Please have mercy on me!
[WHINE]Didn't you wanted to say that this module SUCKS??[/WHINE]
I hope to publish the next BETA next weekend
and this version will get rid of a lot of bugs (I hope). Help will be changed too.
Quick fix in the meantime?
1. Batchload autogenre:
Open admin/index.php and change the dbinsert in function batchadd to:
$link = '';
$sql = "INSERT INTO ".$xoopsDB->prefix('debaser_files')."
(filename, added, title, artist, album, year, addinfo,
track, genre, length, bitrate, link, frequence, approved)
VALUES ('".$filename."', '".$added."','".$title."','".$artist."',
'".$album."', '".$year."', '".$addinfo."',
'".$track."', '".$genre."', '".$length."',
'".$bitrate."', '".$link."', '".$frequence."',
Open include/functions.php and change the genreExist function to:
$result = $xoopsDB->queryF($sql);
2. Nasty css-behaviour:
Open genre.php in an editor and delete this line: