Here is the procedure I followed for getting this module to work. I decided to share immediately this infos with a community that I really like!
The "WebMail" module is a pop3/IMAP client, based on "Mailbox" by Sivaprasad R.L - - and "eMailBox" by Don Grabowski - - which has been written by Jochen Gererstorfer - - and released, in its most recent version, on November 21st 2002.
The "WebMail" module lets administors and users manage multiple pop3/IMAP based e-mail accounts, sending and receiving messages, managing contacts with an address book, etc...
If you download the module "as is", install it and try to get it work you'll be disappointed: the module doesn't work.
This is due to some minor errors in the php code which could be easily fixed. In this early stage, I fixed the ones
related to main functionalities of the module. There are still some to fix, which appears to be minor.
Here is a step-by-step procedure to fix the module:
1.Download the original module from here: 2.Extract the file: you should get a "tree like this":
3.Let's start fixing things:
a)There's a first problem which can be fixed by changing line 40 of admin/index.php to:
b)There is a second problem which seems to appear when using the module in the "Single Account Mode". It is solved by
editing line 146 in /settings.php to: