This one is killing me! I'm hoping someone here has experienced this or would know why this happens. I took an already exiting theme(7dana) and am using it to rebuild a custom theme of my own. Layed out the code and rebuilt theme.html making sure not to miss any XOOPS tags. Everything looks fine but when I upload it and refresh the theme, XOOPS returns this to the browser:
Thats it, thats all she wrote.
Things I've checked for:
- encoding of the file before upload
- all pre-existing XOOPS tags & codes are present
(i.e. <{$xoops_banner}>)
- complete section unmodified
Where did I go wrong? Is there some hidden no-no I needed to have kept in tact? I would figure that even if there were issues with missing items that I would at least get a partial display, but it seems that the XOOPs system is completely rejecting the existence of the new theme.html file.
ANY input or advice shall be deserving of praise for no less than 1000 years!
"Help me Obi-Won Kenobi, you're my only hope!"