Well, in this case my suggestion would be to watch closely the way the default theme is built, and to clone its structure and behavior. You have to make sure that you can splice your HTML in little autonomous blocks:
1) A block for the header
2) A block for the content area
3) A block for the footer
Also, within the content area, you need to splice the block in three sub-blocks:
2a) A block for the left column
2b) A block for the center content area
2c) A block for the right column
The usual path here is to put all this in a table, so 2a, 2b and 2c are TDs in that table.
Then, in 2a you need to define
2a1) A block head
2a2) A block content
In 2c you need
2c1) A block head
2c2) A block content
Then, in 2b, you need to define:
2b1) A block head full-width
2b2) A block content full-width
2b3) A block head half-with
2b4) A block content half-width
2b5) A block for the general content
If you see how theme.html is built on the default theme, you'll find it easy to grow from there.