After uninstalling agendaX, I went back to my homepage and clicked on the tweaked myads version "Job Listings" module, the problem is the background of the left-hand navigation is displayed on the center block. see image.
When I turned on the php debug mode I get the following errors.
Notice [PHP]: Constant already defined in file C:\web\xoops\html\modules\jobs\language\english\main.php line 76
Warning [Xoops]: Smarty error: unable to read template resource: "db:jobs_index.html" in file C:\web\xoops\html\class\smarty\Smarty.class.php line 1042
The module worked before uninstalling agendaX. However some modules do not seem to work, as they should be every time I uninstall or deactivate another module. Could anyone help or point me in the right direction?