Re: New Module and Hack: 'Registration Codes' -- for pre-assigning group membership to new users
  • 2004/8/20 21:43

  • darapera

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 67

  • Since: 2003/7/22

Wonderful! Thanks. I've got registration keys too but haven't tried it out, but will check both out soon. You are certainly right. I'm trying desperately trying to use XOOPS for commercial application (my small business) and something like this is sorely missing. Although we don't have a payment module yet (soon I hope) this could actually help implement a semi-automatic payment/signup process. Thanks.

Re: New Module and Hack: 'Registration Codes' -- for pre-assigning group membership to new users

Thank you for all the comments!

tjnemez, I'm not sure what's up there. I downloaded the zip file again just now to double check and it contains all the files, with their correct paths. If you're still having trouble with this, click on my username and send me a PM.


Registration Codes is totally compatible with, no patches or changes required.

RE: Registration Keys...

I'll make a few comments that might help people see where there are some differences. I do not mean any of these comments in any way to be a dig at the other module or its author, I'm just trying to illuminate where there are some differences. I think having a choice of modules is good for the XOOPS community, especially when the modules offer different approaches which I think these two clearly do, so people will be able to use what suits their system the best.

Also, I haven't installed Reg Keys or used it myself, so I'm only speaking from having read the install instructions and the write up on the download page, and having looked at the downloaded files.

It looks to me that the biggest difference between the two modules, from a sys admin perspective, is that Reg Keys is a tightly integrated system module that makes changes to eight core files in a few different places.

Whereas our Registration Codes module is not a system module, and it makes changes to two core files (/register.php and /include/registerform.php).

So if you want something that doesn't alter your XOOPS installation that much, then ours might be the one to go with. If you want something integrated tightly with the core, Reg Keys is probably better.

It seems that Reg Keys was built originally for 2.0.6RC (according to the readme), and at least one of the files it altered is not actually present in 2.0.7 (/registration.php), so that might complicate upgrading or installing it from scratch in 2.0.7 or higher (though I suspect register.php in 2.0.7 is very similar to registration.php in 2.0.6).

Also, our module has a permission system, with which you can control which groups are allowed to create codes for membership in which other groups (so the webmaster doesn't have to do all the code issuing, you could let people in one of your groups issue codes that allowed new users to have membership in only that same group). I'm not sure if Reg Keys has that feature, but it's not mentioned in the readme.

Thanks for reading! Happy XOOPSING,


Re: New Module and Hack: 'Registration Codes' -- for pre-assigning group membership to new users
  • 2004/8/24 13:38

  • rossi

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 26

  • Since: 2004/3/24

Great work!

Just one question. I haven't tried it yet but do this module allow you to
activate your group code not only when you register but also when editing your
account at yoursite/edituser.php .
Reason: you can create a new group for any purpose and you don't want adding
100 allready registered users personally to the new group but you have them in
your maillist. Just post "Guys whoever want become member of 'Collegians User'
group just edit your account and register with group code BLA57H".

I'm not sure Reg Keys module have this feature but think if any module of this
kind is mean to become a part of the official CORE in future need this future.


Re: New Module and Hack: 'Registration Codes' -- for pre-assigning group membership to new users

Thanks! : )

No, I'm sorry to say that what you described is not something that this module can do (yet - might add it later, but it would probably require more core hacking).

Consider though, that in the situation you describe you would have to select the e-mail addresses of all the people you wanted to send the code to. You could instead just go into the modify group page for the group you wanted to add them to and select all their usernames and add them. It would be the same number of steps.

However if you wanted to add them to multiple groups, then you would have to repeat the process, so a code would simplify things in that case.


Re: New Module and Hack: 'Registration Codes' -- for pre-assigning group membership to new users
  • 2004/8/24 15:47

  • rossi

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 26

  • Since: 2004/3/24

Excuse me for I was not clear. I mean may be different situation: when you have maillist created (thirty part maillist or just the group REGISTERED ). So you give them all the chance to become members of separe maillists via xoops. Send message
"Who wants messages interesting for students group code BLAH1
messages interesting for teacherts code blah2 , for developers blah3..."

And everybody homealone decide where to subscribe to. After that you have some kind of maillists based on XOOPS and send your messages from :admin menu ->sistem admin -> mail users -> Send message to users whose group is:...

Best wishes!

Re: New Module and Hack: 'Registration Codes' -- for pre-assigning group membership to new users

I see, you have a list of users who you want to give a code to, and they would have the option of using it or not. Yes, that is different from the situation I described where you assume all the people need to made members of the group, no choice.

I will probably be expanding this module soon to handle removing user accounts, and I might also add in this ability for users to use codes to sign up for groups. I'll keep you posted.


Re: New Module and Hack: 'Registration Codes' -- for pre-assigning group membership to new users
  • 2004/8/25 19:12

  • rossi

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 26

  • Since: 2004/3/24

I could have some time to help you bilding this module if you want. Mail me at rkandilarov@kill.spam@mail.bg


Re: New Module and Hack: 'Registration Codes' -- for pre-assigning group membership to new users


A couple bug fixes (I guess no one is actually using this or else I would have heard from a disgruntled admin by now). We now have reg codes in production use on one of our servers so I stand behind the code 100% and believe it to be bug free.

Get the updated version at:


A new feature has been added. The Full Name is part of the registration page now, not just the username. The Full Name is an important part of our sites so we wanted it set on account creation and didn't want to make users do an extra step just to enter their Full Name once they're inside the system.


Rossi, thanks for the offer! You're welcome to poke around in the code, if you add any features or mods, please get in touch with a PM so I can incorporate the changes. With a lot of projects on the go right now, I don't think I have time to coordinate with anyone else on changes to the module though. And frankly, unless the scope broadens considerably it's not a multi person task. It only took about 7 hours from blank screen to finished .zip file to build and test reg_codes (and miss the bugs that got fixed in 1.1, oops!).

Our plans right now seem to be headed in the direction of building a more full featured admin-add-on module that would include some user management and group management features (like a page to see a list of groups that a user is a member of, and adjust their group membership). If we build such a thing, reg codes would probably be subsumed inside it.

We just launched an intranet site with 60 groups and several hundred users. We'll see how it goes with the features XOOPS currently has. If the office floor is covered in pulled out hair a week from now, maybe module development will become a high priority!


Re: New Module and Hack: 'Registration Codes' -- for pre-assigning group membership to new users


tjnemez wrote:
julian i just downloaded module, however, it is just directories and no files?

I read something on another forum about .zip files opening up empty if you click on them and have your browser automatically open the file for you. But if you save them to your hard drive (right-click and save the target) and then open up the file, it contains files. Not sure if that is the problem you were having, but maybe?

PM me if it doesn't work and you really want to try the module.

Good luck,


Re: New Module and Hack: 'Registration Codes' -- for pre-assigning group membership to new users
  • 2004/9/1 5:02

  • irmtfan

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 3419

  • Since: 2003/12/7

any chance to develope this for registered users.
i want user can subscribe and unsubscribe for a group and approve by admin. this feature is really needed.
thank u


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