Catzwolf wrote:
If you have any additions, you beter get them in quick coz am on a roll :-p
Ok, Catzwolf... great work you are doing here. Let me give you another point of view.
At first, not every XOOPS site is using the MyDownloads module to host paid download code snippets or scripts. We are a humor community portal that are going to use this module to take submittion of videos/games/sounds etc. by our users and then we will check those submitions before releasing them to the community. I am sure that many other sites are using MyDownloads to share very different kind of files also. I am mentioning this so to remind you not to make the module strictly as a paid script hosting module - it should be flexible...
At second, while i was testing MySownloadsRC2 i found some other bugs that maybe you should also take into account.
1. Text for the front page was hardcoded and could not be changed (the text under 0-9, A-Z).
2. When someone clicked on a link from the frontpage block, the screenshot was not shown.
3. There was no way to view the full screenshot - only the thumbnail.
4. Category image is hard-coded to 50px height. This should be customisable
5. Platfrom and License should be selected from a precofigured drop-down box
If you can take a request, i propose to make a "Download of the day" Block where a site can show the Latest/Random download with the thumbnail and the description text visible. This can be used as a teaser on the front page and i believe many sites would like to have that functionality...
A final word from me... I think you are doing a great job for the community and all of us. My congratulation for what you have done by now. Keep up!!!