Sor correct would be
echo "
echo ""._MD_WEBLINKSCONF." |
echo " |
but I just would like to say that I have seen several files even without quote or single quote.
the file we are talking about does have plenty of this "errors"
and most probably all files in that module and many files in many modules........................................
Anyway thanks for the correct suggestion, I will definitely if I program on my own or modify files use the correct format.
But do not take it serious and also there is this time really no cynical approach to it , but you do not want me to "correct" all files in available xoops modules or files because then I will have no more time for lines like this and also will not have time to
"Just use it" but rather "just fix it"
Sorry wanted to add a smiley but I am really neither a coder nor a chat professional , would have to ask my daughter to that for me and she is not here right now.
Anyway the smiley should be there and at the end.
Thanks for your part correctness because, yes it should be like that but then the forum would not be necessary anyway.
Happy Weekend.