noo-b wrote:
I have uploaded a category image and video ...in the Image and Video Upload Tab
Now .How do i add my own video ? and the screenshot of the video ?
last time in mytube there is option to select the uploaded video and category image
![Resized Image](http://s28.postimg.org/3l83moxh9/Untitled.jpg)
my temporary solution to add my own flv video
1. add the name of the flv video in Video id-code field
2. add the screenshot image name in phpmyadmin manually
3. my flv video does not come out
4. in include/video.php
i disable this line by putting the comment tag
and i enable the mediaplayer.swf by removing the comment symbol
$showvideo = '';
6. My video now displayed correctly in xoopstube 1.06