A user submits a module for the repository and you decide to rewrite it from scratch
OK, Chefry, I looked into the module you submitted to me:
I tested it and I couldn't modify any of the entries, i.e. I could only delete it and re-enter in. There was also not possible to change the editor to something else, it was text only. I was also not sure about any potential security issues, since it was an older module. Theoretically, it shouldn't be a problem because the quotes could be only entered by the Admin
To make it all the changes that I thought should be done (working edit of existing entries, XOOPS 2.5.5 Admin GUI, editor selection) would take a lot of time.
So I thought, why not to rewrite from scratch?
It should take less time, and by using XOOPS API, it would ensure easier maintenance in the future, and easier transition to XOOPS 2.6.0
So I did it. Now we have:
a) XOOPS 2.5.5 Admin GUI
b) Preferences with on option to select Editor:
c) a table view of all quotes, which is a standard for all XOOPS 2.5.5 GUI moudles
d) "editor" view, with possible WYSIWYG editor so you can have color, images, and all the other options:
The existing module should be easily upgraded to the new version, with all the quotes staying as they are, and nothing being lost.
But you have every right to want to keep it as it is. If you want to keep this module as you have it, and you want to be the official maintainer of it, work with other people to fix bugs, etc. that's perfectly fine. I will rename this new module to something else, like "MyQuotes", and it will become a totally different module.
As always, I am trying to help, but I have no interest to take over any modules from anybody. The rule is always the same for everybody:
a) if a module is an "orphan", you can take it over and continue with development, as long as there is a migration path for current users
b) if there is somebody maintaining a module, then fork it - rename it to something else, so there is no "name" conflict, like we had recently with some modules.
Bottom line of all this: if you want to be the developer/maintainer of the "RandomQuotes" module, then this module is yours, and I'll rename my module to something else.Quote:
From now on any modules I do I'll just bloody well keep for myself
There is no need for it. We are always happy to see improvements done by people who then share it with the community. But based on this experience, just please mention that you're taking over the development of a particular module, so nobody will try to make any changes to it.
I hope, we're still friends
I am definitely not interested to have arguments about issues like this, as there more important and more interesting things for me to do, instead of stepping on somebody's toes.