XOOPS: RandomQuote 1.0.1

Posted by: dlhOn 2003/6/4 17:31:36 5473 reads
I have developed a minor modification of the Random Quotes module developed by Mario Figge (a.k.a. Eggmcmuffin).

You can see it HERE

You can download it HERE

There is no registration needed to download.

There are two changes:

1) The template file has been modified to correctly display artifacts in IE when using xoopsQuotes class. Instead the blockContent class is used so that it blends into current block background (rather than the white border). If you like the white block just replace this file with the one from Mario's download.

2) The SQL syntax has changed. I was having a problem with the quote displaying as a blank. This was because quotes had been put in and later deleted leaving "holes" in the id list that is used to select quotes. I have simplified the query so that it just selects a random row from total number of rows available. This eliminates the use of the id number. This is much simpler and probably faster because one less SQL query is involved.

Note this module still does not contain:
1) Textsanitizer
2) Test to see if any quotes exist in the database. Therefore you must have at least ONE quote to display.
3) A submission method (that would be great).

Hope you find it useful.


P.S. Mario - hope this doesn't step on your toes. I just needed this module and decided to go off of yours! Please use these mods if you want.