malexandria wrote:
Well most of these modules are available for the 1X series, I'm not sure if they work in the 2 series as I haven't tested them yet. You can get the UserPoints, Newsletter, Webmail, Dating, and Chat modules from the downloads area, or at Modscentral.com
Yes, I know these are available for 1.3 and I have tested all the old mods in 2 and most of them don't work properly. UserPoints installs but doesn't work, PP-News installs but only supports latest downloads, news, uploads, and links. As I believe this mod was originally a post nuke mod it needs to be at least updated for x2. To be honest I haven't tested the webmail mod from 1.3. After I originally posted this, FriendFinder 3.1 that is x2 compatible was released. I'm testing this mod now. I've also tested WebChat and although it installs and seems to work ok except that when going to the module page or clicking on the link in the main menu to lauch it, it opens by itself in the browser menu. No nav, no blocks, etc. That is unacceptable to me.
In upcoming releases of Xoops, we're going to be enhancing the Top Members Block to add more UserPoints features
That's encouraging news.
and XOOPS 2 includes an Image Gallery and the ability to send Email from within the system.
I said in my first post that I know two gallery mods exist for x2, but at tat time I hadn't been able to get either one working. I have since got Xoopsgallery to work for the most part except for a server-side NetPBM issue. I think it is a great mod, but would like a few more features before crown it king.