There is a new section added to the system modules (This was requested by
iunderwood for access management (this is not implemented yet only the forms have been added.
Here is a screen capture of the 'Access Management'
If you are copying over the previous copy you will need to patch the database with this SQL clause (remember to replace
prefix with your prefix.
/*Table structure for table `prefix_newfeeds` */
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `prefix_newfeeds`;
CREATE TABLE `prefix_newfeeds` (
`fid` int(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`feed_type` enum('rss','sitemap') DEFAULT NULL,
`feed_name` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,
`mid` int(10) DEFAULT '0',
`func_feed` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`func_file` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`xml_buffer_updated` int(12) DEFAULT NULL,
`xml_buffer` mediumtext,
/*Data for the table `prefix_newfeeds` */
/*Table structure for table `prefix_policies` */
ALTER TABLE `prefix_modules` ADD COLUMN (hasrss tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0');
ALTER TABLE `prefix_modules` ADD COLUMN (hassitemap tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0');
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `prefix_policies`;
CREATE TABLE `prefix_policies` (
`pcid` int(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`name` varchar(128) DEFAULT 'Default',
`ipstart` varchar(16) DEFAULT '',
`ipend` varchar(16) DEFAULT '',
`status` enum('open','closed','redirect','hold','sleep') DEFAULT 'open',
`agents` varchar(255) DEFAULT '*',
`networknames` mediumtext,
`groups` varchar(250) DEFAULT '1|2|3',
`protocol` varchar(128) DEFAULT 'HTTPS|HTTP',
`modules` varchar(250) DEFAULT '1',
`redirect_url` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`redirect_message` varchar(255) DEFAULT 'Due to policy setting you are being redirected.',
`redirect_time` int(2) DEFAULT '5',
`domains` mediumtext,
`xml_conf` mediumtext,
PRIMARY KEY (`pcid`)
/*Data for the table `prefix_policies` */
insert into
rl`,`redirect_message`,`redirect_time`,`domains`,`xml_conf`) values
Download MultiXoops RC from (2.x Mbs)
This version also includes the sitemap.php and backend.php modified to support on module installation the propogation of functions for sitemaps and RSS sydnication throughout the system.