So,this is what I would probably do. Just me. I can't promise any further help nor is there any warranty that it will work. But, I would first begin by backing up your public_html directory (or whatever your default web directory is) is and everything underneath it. Then, back up your database. Do not proceed further unless you've backed up. Then, close your site (except for you as webmaster, of course). At that point, I would try to overwrite all your files with the 2.0.13 files. After you overwrite your files, try to update your install (Log in as admin then go to Admin|Modules|and update System). Clear your cache directory and your templates_c directory. Clear your browser cache. See what happens. If that is okay (at least as far as the core XOOPS functions), then I would proceed further.
After that was done I would follow the rest of the upgrade path for xoops core and upgrade to 2.0.14, then use the 2.0.14_to_2.0.16 upgrade patch (make sure and run the upgrade scripts in those .
As you upload and update, make sure to clean out the cache directory, the templates_c directory, and the browser cache.
At that point, after your core is all upgraded and functioning, you can turn to upgrading modules to newer versions (if possible / if necessary). You should get the latest version possible of your modules. Go module by module, updating (Admin|modules|update) each module after your system upgrade. See how they do.
Then, where possible, get a newer version of your modules and try to get it working. Go step by step. Core, then modules. I suspect that most of Catz's changes were in the code, not as much in the core database structure (though I may be wrong).
For modules that are not functioning (in the worst case scenario) you may have to go to phpmyadmin (you do have access to this, right? If not, I wouldn't mess with this on my own - none of this) and compare the tables for the non-functioning modules with tables in newer versions. Where you have fields in a module's tables that are roughly the same, you can copy the fields from your database backup (sql) and paste them into the fields in the new module (for instance, copy the article title from wf-sections to the article title in SmartSection, etc). The point here is that I suspect the major hindrance (as noted above) is that it is the database fields (with name changes, datatype changes, etc) will present the biggest problems. Some of us have older versions of catz's modules (though I think I inadvertently got rid of all my copies) if you need help finding an old module.
Good luck. This is probably the most help I can give.
That's what I would do. I am not suggesting it in your case. Do it at your own risk.
By the way, I hope you continue feeling better...
MMM...It tastes like chicken! ...