it is not a version problem, because I have Server version: 4.0.22 and PHP Version: 4.3.11.
If bluenova can connect to surpass with remote db admin then it is all about configuration?
config server:
MySQL Account Maintenance - "Access Hosts" list:
ip address (here my problem: my local pc has dynamic ip - so how can I enter my ip in "Access Hosts" list?)
config client (connect to server):
example EMS:
hostname: localhost
-> I cant provide http of server here because it is set default "localhost" -> so where can I provide host ip (phpadmin)
port: 2082 (???)
user: user_name (account_user or db_user)
db: db_name (if there is a dbname, then user_name should be db_user -> but then I wonder where I must provide my account user -> via url like bluenova says ?
example MySQL Administrator :
http://...ip...:2082/3rdparty/phpMyAdmin/index.php server host:
port: 3306 (standard?)
user: user_name,
-> this is account user (I would not know where to fill in db_user)
-> in MySQL Administrator there is no db_name (just url goes to phpadmin)
Can somebody please tell how to configure a successful connection? Or will I run into the 1045 mySQL error in the end (bluenova didnot get 1045 at surpass!)?
1045 "access denied for user"
best info I found so far: