Re: Xoops doesn't like ZoneAlarm Pro
  • 2002/9/7 4:38

  • justme

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The firewall problem has been around since at least June when problems with Norton Firewall were reported. If I remember correctly, the problems originated with RC3.

Each time the issue is brought up it seems like the standard answer is that it is the user's problem - don't blame XOOPS. However, can anybody show where any other Nuke fork has this problem?

Borrowing from a post in June . . .

It seems that some users either have to change firewall settings or XOOPS needs to change something. Can we really tell visitors to our sites that they must alter their firewall settings in order to register and log in? How would you go about telling a user to either turn off their firewall, modify their firewall settings, or don't bother to visit your site?

Do others share this concern or is it just me?


Re: Xoops doesn't like ZoneAlarm Pro
  • 2002/9/7 5:28

  • Wingz

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Do others share this concern or is it just me?

I have 5 sites running on several versions of PostNuke - none of them have a firewall problem. I wasn't aware of this problem with XOOPS prior to converting my main site over. If I had, I doubt I would have done it. This does need to be fixed. Does e-Xoops have this problem?

Re: Xoops doesn't like ZoneAlarm Pro

I'm concerned if it makes a web site hard to use.

What is unclear from the original message is whether the user has trouble here at xoops.org or has trouble at his own site.

I wonder if it is possible that this is a problem with his site that is only indirectly related to Xoops. For example, perhaps his ISP is using some sort of redirection that is making headers look "untrustworthy".

It would be nice to get a definitive answer on this.
What conditions make it happen and whether or not it is something the developers think is important to address.

It's never been clear to me whether this is a problem with every XOOPS site, or just certain ones.

Re: Xoops doesn't like ZoneAlarm Pro
  • 2002/9/7 8:24

  • David_1cog

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What is unclear from the original message is whether the user has trouble here at xoops.org or has trouble at his own site.

I cannot log in or register at Xoops.org without first disabling the default cookie settings on Zone Alarm Pro 3 ("Block third party cookies" and "Remove private header information"). I'm using WinXP / IE6 with ZAP3. This is obviously a _very_ common config and does not cause me any problems at numerous bulletin boards, online banking, image libraries, etc., etc.

As others have suggested in this thread most people will not adjust / switch off their firewall to login in to a site - even if they do work out what the problem is. I suppose you could write:


at the top of the login page... but that sure don't fill me with confidence!

From what I've seen of XOOPS I really like it - but this problem is enough to make me look elsewhere for a CMS.

The hack provided by trollix seems to fix the problem but it's not recommended by XOOPS developers because it's a security risk. Why? Is there no other fix?

Re: Xoops doesn't like ZoneAlarm Pro
  • 2002/9/7 9:33

  • cyberian

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Can we really tell visitors to our sites that they must alter their firewall settings in order to register and log in? How would you go about telling a user to either turn off their firewall, modify their firewall settings, or don't bother to visit your site?

This is not an option. Obviously this needs to be fixed in the code. If this problem has been around for a while, has the dev team been working on it or plan to?

Re: Xoops doesn't like ZoneAlarm Pro
  • 2002/9/11 17:55

  • A-dog

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Any word from the developers whether or not a fix will come from this situation?

Re: Xoops doesn't like ZoneAlarm Pro
  • 2002/9/11 18:28

  • Boobtoob

  • Friend of XOOPS

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  • Since: 2001/12/22

This is not a problem with XOOPS codes. It may be a problem with the server config as this is what causes problems 99% of the time. All XOOPS is doing is sending back xhtml. Sinice all good hosted sites are behind a firewall (not of their control, it's the hosters control) it's most like something between here and your PC.

I run behind a corporate firewall (squid) that serves 26K users every day of the year and I have no problems logging into XOOPS.org.

Re: Xoops doesn't like ZoneAlarm Pro
  • 2002/9/11 18:42

  • David_1cog

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That's just not right and it completely ignores what several people have posted here.

To repeat what I said: "IE6 + Zone Alarm Pro ...does not cause me any problems at numerous bulletin boards, online banking, image libraries, etc., etc." but I can't use XOOPS with ZAP running in default config.

Re: Xoops doesn't like ZoneAlarm Pro
  • 2002/9/11 19:04

  • Boobtoob

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 202

  • Since: 2001/12/22

I'm sorry about the problems your having.. After re-reading this thread, the common denominator is ZAP. XOOPS is used by hundreds of people around the globe and this is the only firewall report that we have. I wish we could be of more help with this.

Re: Xoops doesn't like ZoneAlarm Pro
  • 2002/9/11 19:47

  • Phifou

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No Boobtoob,

We CANNOT satisfy with your answer. There is at least an other known firewall problem with Norton, not only ZAP.

I run an important portal (1.200.000 pages seen per month & 7.000 members). I moved it last week from PHP Nuke to XOOPS and I had dozens of complaints about the login problem

The problem is ALSO when people acces to our website through company firewall or similar. You cannot tell them "ask your administrator to turn off firewall".

So I patched my XOOPS with Trollix's hack and everything is running well now.

But it is not acceptable to see you writing "XOOPS is used by hundreds of people around the globe and this is the only firewall report that we have" that seems something similar to "we do not consider that it is a problem".


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