Xoops doesn't like ZoneAlarm Pro
  • 2002/9/6 11:56

  • David_1cog

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I'm unable to login to my account with ZoneAlarm Pro 3 running (I was also unable to register with it running). I've not experienced this with any other sites.

Any ideas?



Re: Xoops doesn't like ZoneAlarm Pro
  • 2002/9/6 12:06

  • David_1cog

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 7

  • Since: 2002/9/6 0

After a bit more playing - I need to run ZAP3 with "Block 3rd party cookies" unchecked to be able to login to my XOOPS account.

This doesn't seem too clever. Any developers like to comment?


Re: Xoops doesn't like ZoneAlarm Pro
  • 2002/9/6 14:41

  • chapi

  • Theme Designer

  • Posts: 611

  • Since: 2002/1/22

This is not a problem of XOOPS. If you use a Firewall you should know how to use it!

You can grant access for every single site or do it like you did, deactivate this function.

Re: Xoops doesn't like ZoneAlarm Pro
  • 2002/9/6 16:06

  • trollix

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Try that hack : here

Re: Xoops doesn't like ZoneAlarm Pro
  • 2002/9/6 16:13

  • David_1cog

  • Just popping in

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I know how to use my firewall, thanks. XOOPS does not appear in the site list - I assume it's identified only by its IP. Why?!

I'm registered at _many_ forums and XOOPS is the first one I've come across that requires me to disable "Block 3rd party cookies" and "Remove private header information" to make it work.

Re: Xoops doesn't like ZoneAlarm Pro
  • 2002/9/6 16:24

  • David_1cog

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  • Since: 2002/9/6 0

Try that hack : here

Thanks, trollix, a useful thread.

I'm surprised by this - it effectively means that anyone running a firewall (most people?) isn't going to be able to register / login in to a XOOPS site without turning off their (default?) firewall settings. I guessed it was my firewall causing problems - most users won't and will just give up assuming 'crap site'.

I know little about PHP / mySQL but I do know the vast majority of sites allow me to register / logon without disabling my firewall.

I was hoping XOOPS was going to be my CMS of choice - but looks like it's not ready for the big time?

Re: Xoops doesn't like ZoneAlarm Pro
  • 2002/9/6 16:52

  • A-dog

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I have Zone Alarm Pro and I don't have any problems getting into this site or my own or any others. However I still have the Register.php problem..no server found error...then when I reload a few times, it finally loads. Its gotta be an IE6 bug. But I seem to be one of very few that get this error. Anyways, I have Zone Alarm set to High Security for Internet Zone and Medium Security for my Trusted Zone. These settings should work for you in addition to any 3rd party cookie settings you adjust in windows. If windows cookie security settings need to be adjusted for any site to work, then XOOPS needs a fix for this.

Re: Xoops doesn't like ZoneAlarm Pro
  • 2002/9/6 18:05

  • Herko

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In my case it isn't the 3rd party cookies but the private header info. Disable the blocking of that and everything works fine...


Re: Xoops doesn't like ZoneAlarm Pro
  • 2002/9/6 18:50

  • felix9x

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I am assuming the problem was that your firewall blocked cookies coming from XOOPS website. That dont seem like XOOPS problem but your firewalls and your problem. There is one way to get around cookies and thats url rewriting. The php built in session handling can automaticaly switch to url rewriting but it has its own drawbacks. XOOPS uses its own custom session handling which gives most control over sessions although features like url rewriting are not available.

Personaly i allow all cookies. I am not privacy paranoid at all about that.

Re: Xoops doesn't like ZoneAlarm Pro
  • 2002/9/7 2:45

  • cyberian

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I had the exact same problem and did not know what was causing it so I just gave up and used another computer to log in. I think what David is trying to say is that anyone who has Zone Alarm (and that's a lot of people) and has the same settings, will not be able to register or log in and will probably not go back to a XOOPS site, not knowing what the problem is (like I did). So I think that it is a XOOPS problem and if someone can make a fix, I sure would appreciate it . We know what to set our ZAP to but others visiting our sites maybe won't.



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