Hi Kayla,
I came across this thread and as a former client of Surpass Hosting I do not recognize my experience with Surpass Hosting in what you write.
In the period you reference my domain was frequently unavailable, due to server outages, network problems and unacceptably low performance.
Your first level of support is great, especially for dealing with beginner-questions, but your admins (and I have in all honesty to say you included) are experts in stonewalling any serious cases as "being worked on" or "thank you for your patience". My patience ran out, and quite a few others' with me. Surpass Hosting shows all the signs of overselling, which in all honesty has to be expected with these prices. I never once received any communicaion from Surpass as advance warning of server outages, and never once in retrospect explaining what was wrong.
You are obviously very clever at marketing and work very hard at keeping up the apparence of 100% uptime and happy customers. If you only worked as hard to actually deliver what you promised, you would have a lot less unhappy customers around.