Mamba wrote:
* Did you change the PHP version on the new server?
I don't know if PHP changed at the time of the move. Definitely, both php, MySQL and apache, and kernel changes would have happened since I have last tried to login. The server details now are:
Kernel version 2.6.18-128.7.1.el5
MySQL version 5.0.89-community
Apache version 2.2.13
PHP version 5.2.10
One thing I have noticed, is that when I do login, it displayed the PHPSESSIONID in the browser. I'm 98% sure it did not do this before, and I _think_ I had XOOPS set not to do that, but to use it's own cookie ID ?? It's been a year or so since I logged in.
Mamba wrote:
* What version of XOOPS do you use?
in /modules/system/xoops_version.php, it has
$modversion['version'] = 1.02;
Mamba wrote:
* Try change cache to 777
Yes, I did try that, still no go.
Mamba wrote:
* Did you turn the Debug on? What does it say?
I can't access admin, so can't turn debug on. I guess I can change it in the db though, as long as it only displays messages (debug) for my session only. I wouldn't want any browser info displaying php stuff.