I've spent hours trying to decide what would be the best module to handle articles on my site. At a minimum, the module would have to easily wrap HTML and be XOOPS searchable. I installed and compared the latest versions of Cjay Content; Tiny Content; iContent; Free Content; WFSections; XFSections (1.04); and WFChannel. This is what I found (the "Power" rating is subjective on my part):
Power: Medium
Printing: No
Commenting: No
Has a good control panel. Uses a block with links and a main menu entry. You can add headlines to separate links in the block by putting ".." before the headline.
Tiny Content:
Power: Medium
Printing: Yes
Commenting: Yes
Also allows an "email to friend" notice of articles. You can choose one topic as your Main Menu heading.
Free Content:
Power: Low
Printing: No
Commenting: No
Handles blocks and a Main Menu entry.
Power: High
Printing: Yes
Commenting: Yes
Has many admin panel options. You can tracks page hits, create shortcuts to pages, rate pages, create directories.
Sections: (Edit: originally called WFSections by mistake)
Power: Medium
Printing: Yes
Commenting: No
Creates graphics for section links. This is a core module.
Power: Medium
Printing: No
Commenting: Yes
Has a few installed pages ready to modify, like "Link to Us" and "Privacy Statement."
XFSections 1.04
Power: High
Printing: Yes
Commenting: Yes
Does email notice of page, separate block can be enabled for most recent, today's most read and top articles. Can create several other blocks with articles information. Has the most powerful admin panel. You can even change the directory paths where HTML, graphics and other sources are kept. This is an important feature for me.
Anyway, these are some of my impressions of these modules and I hope it saves other folks some time in deciding which is best for them.