SMF 2.0 to XOOPS 2.5

...newbb was good addition as version 2.02 and core 2.0, this time is in history, and I'm wondering why u're loosing time, energy and nerves to make something useable, since it's limited. NewBB is very basic forum, and the installed version on xoops.org proves it.

If I make a patch to something, or just converting languages like for few old modules, I can't attach them - is this a forum... or more looks like Classified Ads module.

There are no polls in the way they should be, 3rd party outdated module XOOPSPolls is required.

There is no threaded replies, newbb is too simple as bitcero forum too.

Since there is a bridge for SMF 1.1 and XOOPS 2.0, why someone just not port it to X 2.5 and SMF 2.0.

SMF is fully seo compatible, NewBB contains too much core bugs, what left for cosmetics.

SMF have tons of plugins and templates... newbb have bugs, one fixed - two new opened

Little Offtopic: There is still no XOOPS Bulgaria (localized site), bcz few important extensions are missing (Well, I can make it with Mithrandir 2.2 xoops, but where is the point). No idea who told u that tinymce is most compatible and secure editor, but is a failure in total. In most CMS which options to be replaced got replaced after installation of the selected system (Joomla!, Drupal, CMS Made Simple). CK Editor is - works equally fine on all environments, with option to customize what level of options can be used by guests, registered, moderators, administrators.
So far there is not:
- Web Links fully featured SEO ready like Happy Linux Web links module or banned cms - imLinks 1.17 by McDonald forked WF-Links (by catzwolf... and if u notice is released under new name), imLinks is professional example how things can work, one module, one core - and u can have completed web links directory without any hacks and tons of spams on the selected core/module support forums.
- Forum - excuse me, but this simple attempt (NewBB) trying to die with every new core module is not a forum.
- Downloads - after WF-Downloads adoption by Marcan - there is no movement, also there is no response from redhead does he started work on a new one from scratch or still not. There was once D3 Downloads operations under some old cores with altsys, now both are unavailable, but and D3 Downloads and WF-Downloads are too old and lacking of features, wont mention TM Downloads (better to use SF.NET File repository instead).
- News - well, News 1.67 Herve is far, far away from the new days Content Management System. Most content modules of xoops, reminds me on PHPNuke, Slashdot.
- Members / Community management with ability to login with open id, facebook accounts, people got tired of registrations everywhere.
- CCK - something which should be with highest priority from core 2.2 is not even planed for 3.0 (for those which have no idea what CCK is - Content Construction Kit)
- FAQ.... well if there was CCK, most things can be done with it, even FAQ section.

And the question I'm asking myself and xoops community is - Why everyone forks old modules, instead to create brand new ? Does all good programmers died with XOOPS 2.0 ?

Since there are over 20 actively developed and maintained OpenSource and GPLed forums, even SMF 2.0.x license is changed, why there is not simple bridge like the one mentioned above.
SMF, PHPBB, PunBB, DeluxeBB, MyBB etc.. all of them, have and will have better user profile pages (at least will not require like current profile module 64 MB+ to work properly, btw there is no such shared hosting provider). All of them have plugins to be extended, themes...

So can someone of the active php developers can fork and re-release the above module for X 2.5.5+ and SMF 2.0.2+ ?
Days ago between sessions with dentists got proposal from high school to make presentation of CM Systems of my choice to be presented to students and ppl to start learning something useful in school instead of the crap they're learning now. How 80486 works and what for was used 80487 + the most powerful OS - DOS 6.0.

So, I've decided to start with my 2 favorite in past XOOPS and e107, first have nothing, only easy to use Administration Panel. 2nd between 0.5 and 0.6 lost his beauty in templates (themes) and now is half xoops 2.5 - Good and Easy to use administration, few fully operational plugins(modules) and several blog looking like themes.

After 2 days of thinking what for really can be used XOOPS or e107, I've decided to give up from that idea for future and to forward the request to some Joomla!/Drupal/CMS Made Simple lovers....
May The Source Be With You!

Re: SMF 2.0 to XOOPS 2.5
  • 2012/6/20 19:01

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 11373

  • Since: 2004/4/23

Stefan, I am not sure why this outburst of frustration right now? Sometimes you come out of the blue and start shooting, and I am wondering "Why now? What has caused that?"

1) I was not aware that SMF changed the license. The last time I looked at them was the time when they discontinued all bridges because of license incompatibility. It's good to see that they are now under an Open Source license (BSD).

2) The advantage of newBB is that it is a native XOOPS module, which the users can install very easily as any other module, and that has the same behavior and GUI as the other XOOPS modules, so there is no need to learn new things. I believe that its features satisfy 90% of our users needs here. In all these years here, I think there were only very few requests for new "must have" features.

3) If people are looking for ultimate power, they might be better served with standalone specialized solutions such as SMF or phpBB. We are a "general purpose" CMS.

4) Several of your points are not correct. We have threaded discussions (you just need to select the correct view), and you can attach files, but it's just not enabled here. I am not sure about the poll - what is better in SMF that we don't have?

5) If you don't like TinyMCE, you can use CKEditor. There is no problem, and I don't believe it's any different from the other CMS systems.

6) All the other modules: instead of throwing general statements, could you prepare a detailed list with missing features, and with examples how it's been implemented somewhere else?

For example:

Feature A:
- it does ABC
- it's needed because: XYZ
- the best implementation is on: DCEF

Then we can have a rational discussion, and eventually have voting by the community to see what the majority wants. If something is important, and people are willing to contribute financially to get it, we could announce a "Bounty" for that feature.

But if it is only important for 2 people, and the community doesn't see it this way, then it's maybe not needed, and those two people could hack it for their own needs.

7) I agree that CCK would be nice.

8) I'll be glad to help you with the presentation. I am sure that together we can find something nice about XOOPS
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Re: SMF 2.0 to XOOPS 2.5
  • 2012/6/20 20:21

  • Anonymous

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I agree with Mamba, what's wrong with newbb?

Also forums are outdated, people now want to communicate using twitter, facebook and comments. Forums are just used by nerds to get and give support like we do here on xoops.org nowadays... Adding a feature like social media login would be nice, but a complete restyle of newbb is a waiste of time, as forums already lost the social media function they used to have some years ago.

Re: SMF 2.0 to XOOPS 2.5

4 - Reply after vote for threads with polls
3 - If.... this means 2 registrations for same purpose
5 - lack of documentation
6 - If you put hand on your heart... what for current collection of modules for 2.5 can be used ? can you make community site, blog, directory with rates and reviews

Forums and help desks are the only way for maintaining one product paid or free up to date, so... if some forums loose of they're base and activity is not in general. If you look at sites made with any of the X cores, all of them looks the same... u don't need to search for powered by XOOPS, bcz everything shows what is used on that site.

How otherwise newcomers to medium level of sample project users will keep in touch with advanced users and developers to solve a issue, hack the code to change feature A to something else.

8 - wondering what will be...


"Why now? What has caused that?"

Well, it's not only now.... those questions moves from 2.3, what caused it ? Bcz I've not found with current RC and betas in blue section what for X can be used
Herve birthday module is converted, but herve Olderon or something like that (was the only good fully compatible, native e-commerce module for X) not.....

Ok, lets take next example as for requirement:
X latest core
News as general for the site purpose, site updates etc
Multi-user blogging system
forum with ability to reply after vote, and less bugs, or at least status beta, pre-RC version
downloads section with auto-sync from GForge and SF and a lot of other stuff discussed in another topic
links section (does anyone tried happy linux links ?)
cloned links section with rate and review for sites made by users for clients
faq section
wiki section
multi-vendor shop where every user can sell they're work, themes, translations, howto's
content slides
Profile module which displays all submissions from the user to enabled modules (well, with lower system requirements, blank pages came on systems with memory bellow 64MB)
or Profile module like the one made years ago ... was Yogurt or something like that....

I can read and understand Russian language... and this otherwise nice structured site is proudly presented under XOOPS 1.3.10 :) - http://xoops.ru/ - same can be done and on 2.2/2.0, but still, can u provide as editor one rating and as user second rating on faq, links, downloads ?
May The Source Be With You!

Re: SMF 2.0 to XOOPS 2.5
  • 2012/6/23 7:53

  • irmtfan

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 3419

  • Since: 2003/12/7

I have running a very big role playing website for more 10 years proudly using newbb module.
IMO newbb module is one of the most stable (not update 3.08 for more than 5 years now) modules in compare with tons of old and new non stable downloads/gallery/content xoops modules.
Also features are enough for a general website.
In my experience Newbb need just very few features itself and IMO the big improvement should be done in profile module and core not newbb because newbb is in a very close relation with core and especially profile module.

I can understand a part of your frustrations because somebody like me back after 3 or 4 years and see very few improvements and many wrong things/manners like developers using their own functions not xoops local functions, hard codes in core and modules and developers wasting their times in many similar modules under different names (eg: TOO MANY SIMILAR CONTENT MODULES that non of them is stable and has not enough features) instead of developing brand new ones or work on specific modules like the ONLY xoops ticket system module Xhelp. I myself can write one hundred pages of complaints better than everybody But in the other hand this is just our xoops,we all made it a CMS so if you find an error and just complained, you should complain your share too.

Re: SMF 2.0 to XOOPS 2.5


But in the other hand this is just our xoops,we all made it a CMS so if you find an error and just complained, you should complain your share too.

Well, to be exact, CMS stands for Content Management System, XOOPS right now is MS.... there is no content. Yeah it's ours... but is something different right now, maybe Development Framework, but not cms for sure....

My share ? or My complain ?
Shared complain in first post
Profile (core) module not works on shared HSP with 8 to 16MB PHP Memory - blank pages, same is for wishcraft bcz is fork from the core profile.

Lack of socializing integration (tons of registrations everywhere, this time lay in history, now ppl connect with they're Twitter/FB accounts)

Or Profile by Wishcraft ("My modules are without bugs") - there is no God cloning on Earth so far, every human makes mistakes, and since gives blank page on 8MB PHP Memory like the original one... such statement is foolish.

NewBB... did u remember which year was released XOOPS 2.0.18 ?
And how much things changed since then ?

And for content there are tons of posts which starts with "put some rules god damn it" - strict rules. There is one news, written by herve thouzard, all of other forks, variations, modifications and such have to be renamed - or banned, 1 week at first sign, 2 weeks as 2nd warning - forever as 3rd and final.

Naming - 2 Profile modules, why there is no such allowed and advertised misleading anywhere else ? Show me CMS, even XOOPS forks where there is such anarchy, 10 times by 10 different maintainers - News, 2 Profiles, 2 different versions of NewBB, 3 different versions of WF-Links..., 3 different versions by WFDownloads, by Blue Move, by Marcan, by Catzwolf - all of them are functional on 2.5.5, but all of them give different errors sometimes, different warnings.

10 News forks, including Herve's news, all of them are news
(are u out of imagination, u can't think for a new name or what?)

If I was a PHP Programmer and took the existing SVN code for 2.5.5, change some backlinks, and re-release it as my work... whole community will scream to hell, but bcz Herve, Catz, and rest are no longer here, lets make and maintain the mess.
... and this mess brings nothing, download hits are simple prove of that, talking about my translations:

J! Translations (http://cmsbg.info/translations/joomla/viewcategory/36-joomla) from 2 to 300 downloads per file.
Drupal Translations (http://cmsbg.info/translations/drupal/viewcategory/39-drupal) 2 apps only, bcz of the Elvish language used in Drupal... but still downloaded a lot
XOOPS Modules translations (http://cmsbg.info/files/viewcategory/114-xoops) - none of them got 2 digits downloads.

I think that only who cares about XOOPS right now is Mamba... rest are absent
Bitcero - lack of interest to fix and improve his modules, RM Common don't accept other PO files (translations)
Trabis - no sign of him from ages
OnoKazu - I've returned bcz of him... no sign since the announce, I was excited about XOOPS with him as leader, but now looks just as unconfirmed rumor.
Catz - same as onokazu... gone in the wind
Solo - ...
May The Source Be With You!

Re: SMF 2.0 to XOOPS 2.5

This does not come to your mind to act instead of complain? (I am speaking to all those who complain).
Many complain of many things, but do you know that many people act every day to try to improve what is wrong with Xoops and modules?
Your complaints can give a bad image of Xoops for people who read your messages. This may also discourage people motivated.

There is a link given in WOX, for example : Feature requests

Give feedback is good, but say that something is worthless, it brings what?!

Re: SMF 2.0 to XOOPS 2.5


Your complaints can give a bad image of Xoops for people who read your messages. This may also discourage people motivated.

Ok, say something good for 2.5.5
+Good Administration Interface - still needs a lot of corrections, but is something good
(please continue)
May The Source Be With You!

Re: SMF 2.0 to XOOPS 2.5
  • 2012/6/24 10:05

  • irmtfan

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 3419

  • Since: 2003/12/7


Well, to be exact, CMS stands for Content Management System, XOOPS right now is MS.... there is no content. Yeah it's ours... but is something different right now, maybe Development Framework, but not cms for sure....

Surely i just call it CMS because in general XOOPS end users will be confused if we call it a framework. But im agree about the lack of good stable content module. It should be involved in the very next core release just beside PM and Profile module. i think it is more important than a module like PM.


Profile (core) module not works on shared HSP with 8 to 16MB PHP Memory - blank pages, same is for wishcraft bcz is fork from the core profile.

Lack of socializing integration (tons of registrations everywhere, this time lay in history, now ppl connect with they're Twitter/FB accounts)

Or Profile by Wishcraft ("My modules are without bugs") - there is no God cloning on Earth so far, every human makes mistakes, and since gives blank page on 8MB PHP Memory like the original one... such statement is foolish.

To be honest and as i said in my last post, this profile module need many improvements both in features and stability.
IMO this is the second priority for core developers (the content as a core module is the first one)


NewBB... did u remember which year was released XOOPS 2.0.18 ?
And how much things changed since then ?

Yes, and thanks to phppp version 3.08 is still stable even in 2.5.5
I see it as the power of newbb.


I think that only who cares about XOOPS right now is Mamba... rest are absent
Bitcero - lack of interest to fix and improve his modules, RM Common don't accept other PO files (translations)
Trabis - no sign of him from ages
OnoKazu - I've returned bcz of him... no sign since the announce, I was excited about XOOPS with him as leader, but now looks just as unconfirmed rumor.
Catz - same as onokazu... gone in the wind
Solo - ...

you can not talk without evidence. Maybe they just have personal issues or dont have enough times to donate for free for xoops development.
IMO doing nothing is much better than do something wrong.
we all should try to direct xoops in the right way.

Also the module naming issue is something that should be fixed ASAP.

To avoid confusion between too many same modules and versions, every new xoops users can go here for downloading modules:

For example one can see the WF-links module has been updated recently. so the new user can be find this module is in development:

Re: SMF 2.0 to XOOPS 2.5
  • 2012/6/24 11:54

  • Shine

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 822

  • Since: 2002/7/22

For example one can see the WF-links module has been updated recentlyso the new user can be find this module is in development:
https://sourceforge.net/projects/xoops ... epository/XOOPS2/wfLinks/

It is just a pitty that the presented naming of the zipped Wflinks files are again confusing and wrong. Which again, brings a lot of confusion and will end up in a mess.
- XOOPS2_mod_wflinks_1.08_Catzwolf.zip;
- XOOPS2_mod_wflinks-jquery_1.03_wishcraft.zip;
- xoops25_mod_wflinks_1.09Beta_Mamba.zip

The latest version Wf-Links 107Final, is McDonalds version and NOT Catzwolf's.As stated before McDonalds took of where Catz left with the Wf Links module.
Mamba gave it another versioning: 1.08. But actually it is McDonalds WF-Links 1.07 Final. It doesn't make sence why Catzwolf's name is behind it. It doesn't make sense why a name Is behind it!
WF-Links 1.08 (originally and actually is wflinks 1.07Final!) has been converted (yesterday) to blue move. Because of this conversion, it got a new versioning. Wf-Links 1.09 Beta. (I don't understand why mamba's name is behind it, bcs this gives the impression as if there are 3 different wflinks modules. Which in fact are 2.
It should be presented as:
- XOOPS2_mod_wflinks_1.07Final.zip;
- xoops25_mod_wflinks_1.09Beta_.zip.
Every new development/bugfix etc. with THIS WF-Links module should be .zip presented without any name addition. So the versioning and module is and will stay clear.

As for wishcrafts Wf Links: he took Catzwolfs WFlinks 1.03 and did some changes. This Wflinks is totally other (and much older) WFlinks as McDonalds. They do not match. It is a pitty he kept the name wflinks. Considering this situation and to minimalise confusion Wishcrafts wflinks, should hold his name. Presented as now is the best.
- XOOPS2_mod_wflinks-jquery_1.03_wishcraft.zip;
This Wflinks is a totally different module and isn't compatible with MCDonalds.


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