Your masthead ID in theme.html is being declared twice - IDs can only be used once per page - classes can be used several times (Same reason for mainmenu error below):
<div id="pageWrapper">
<div id="masthead" class="inside">
<div id="masthead" class="inside" align="center">
I checked the file I have and it is correct there:
<div id="pageWrapper">
<div id="masthead" class="inside">
<div id="logo"><a href="<{$xoops_url}>/"><img src="<{$xoops_imageurl}>images/logo.gif" alt="<{$xoops_sitename}>" />a>div>
<h2 id="title"><a href="<{$xoops_url}>"><{$xoops_slogan}>a>h2>
<div id="banner"><{$xoops_banner}>div>
<div style="clear:both;">div>
Your mainmenu problem is because both the "Main Menu" and the "SVAPC" blocks are declaring the id="mainmenu" . Since you have two blocks needing that tag, you should use classes instead of ID. The "
id=" should be changed to "
class=" in your block templates and in your style.css change all the occurances of
#mainmenu to
I'm going to go ahead and change the replacement main menu block in the theme to use a class instead of an id. This will mean that any other module looking for the mainmenu "ID" won't find it though until it is modified to look for the class instead.
And you're right, the other errors are from your other blocks. Just read through the errors from W3C - often it will tell you exactly what the problem is.