Open-realty.org Real estate listing to Xoops 2.06
  • 2004/6/10 21:10

  • sol812

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I am looking after the open realty real estate listing to fit into XOOPS 2.06

I have seen a vertion to fit e-xoops but not XOOPS 2.06 - is there any chance that somebody know if a member have convert open realty to XOOPS and work.

Thank you

PS: I remember that Liquidfx had made something but I was not sure if he support XOOPS 2.06 ??? but only e-xoops 1.5 ?? any help

Re: Open-realty.org Real estate listing to Xoops 2.06
  • 2004/6/11 14:43

  • domineaux

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If you port to XOOPS it will share the XOOPS MySql.

You might think about installing it as a separate script with it's own database, especially because the db can be quite large. Also, if users or site managers are messing with the db separation of the db is not all bad.

Install the script in it's own folder, then you can use the XOOPS multimenu mod and just create a hyperlink to the script.

Slick and easy, that is if you get the Open Realty script and db set up correctly.

Re: Open-realty.org Real estate listing to Xoops 2.06
  • 2004/6/11 15:19

  • limecity

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Re: Open-realty.org Real estate listing to Xoops 2.06
  • 2004/6/11 18:19

  • domineaux

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 389

  • Since: 2002/9/29

Is that Open-Realty ported to XOOPS with a mod we can acquire? I'm thinking that's an E-Xoops site. LiquidFX did the port for E-Xoops.

This would be a good mod for Xoops, because consistency of theme from XOOPS to Open Realty. It would be less work also.

Looks very good

Re: Open-realty.org Real estate listing to Xoops 2.06
  • 2004/6/11 20:02

  • sol812

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  • Since: 2002/9/4 1

HI "limecity" and "domineaux"

yes this is what I want a XOOPS with open-realty inside the framework, thank you for the weblink was a nice blue website design, I am not sure the website owner will like share his standart realtor database with the community - but why not ........ if he read this words he is welcome to come with a view about how we can be able share the open realty to XOOPS and its community to boost more members forward and use this tools to something serious.

But I have some better news - I had a good talk with Liquidfx webmaster who made the e-xoops 1.5 vertion to work with open realty - now he made a update to RUNCMS ( name change of e-xoops) but he told me that he was open about to g in and begin see if he was able help me get the e-xoops vertion to work over to XOOPS 2.06 - as he told me henever had used the XOOPS before - but now he wil find out the diffrence (smile)

so if you want help me - go over to Liquidfx website - my link was in top of this tread - and go in and follow the forum talk and be active show your interrest and help the webmaster if we can - then we all will bennefit and have a realtor system there work so all XOOPS and Runcms users get happy - now Phpnuke and postnuke get competition (smile)

best regards - I post more when we have more news but go to liquid website and the bbs forum
best regards

Re: Open-realty.org Real estate listing to Xoops 2.06
  • 2004/6/15 18:35

  • builderb

  • Not too shy to talk

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The real estate module I have running on my site is a mod of xDirectory. I created it because:

1) I was using open-realty but doing a manual data dump from the MLS was imposible because of the differences in DB structure. I needed all the information to be linear making it very easy to update/populate my database with MLS data.

2) I needed specific information and functionality for the area I'm in and Open-Realty couldn't do what I needed.

I would like to share what I have but the admin area is not complete and requires the webmaster to modify the DB from PHPMyAdmin instead of a nice web interface.



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