I think Koivi is great - but it's approach to 'cleaning up' any HTML input to make it XHTML complient is driving me mad.
Yesterday, I took a chance and cut-n-pasted a 'conventional' Flash script into the Koivi HTML box in a SmartSection article using Firefox. I was relieved to see that Koivi retained the format of the combined OBJECT and EMBED code and the movie worked perfectly. Today, I opened the same article to edit something in IE 6... and Koivi has neatly stripped out the 'EMBED' tags and the code between them!. Code placed after those tags remains intact. Why it didn't do this in Firefox I don't know.
I *know* that to satisfy the W3C beaurocrats I should use just the OBJECT tag for Flash movies, but the object tag left by Koivi simply doesn't work in anything except IE. If you try adding a hack (like one of the Flash Satay solutions) Koivi just trashes it. The OBJECT only solution I use *IS* valid XHTML, it's just not to Koivi's liking.
The dev (Samuels) did say that a solution will be considered for the next version. Any updates on whether we might get a 'raw' HTML option soon would be a great relief, because this is spoiling an otherwise excellent module.
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