problem with modules
  • 2008/10/29 2:06

  • fireflies

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 4

  • Since: 2008/10/29


I'm a new user of XOOPS and I have installed it on my site and want to get started installing modules...

currently in my modules directory I have:

pm, profile, protector, system, thadmin and index.html

following instructions I downloaded the xcenter module and copied the xcenter folder into the modules directory. I then logged into XOOPS on my site and clicked on the module administration link, expecting to see a list of modules waiting to be installed..

All I have on the page for modules administration is:


I cannot see any other modules here, and looking around, I have no idea where to begin.

I looked on the support forums and saw a post with instructions on "Starting a new XOOPS site" which suggested downloading several modules. the "protector" one sounded important (I hadn't seen that there was a folder already in my modules folder with this name) so I thought I would try that and see if that would show up in the list..

I went to the linked site, went to the downloads section, scrolled down a long way to find protector and then got completely baffled by the technical jargon:

It says that they strongly recommend installing it on all XOOPS sites with any versions (ok, sounds very important, where do I start, I think)

installation instructions...(ok good place to start, it will tell me in simple terms what to do, thats a big help)

(this is taken word for word from the first line below INSTALL)

"First, define XOOPS_TRUST_PATH into mainfile.php if you've never done it yet."

as a new user to xoops, and being told this is an important module that everyone should install.. this makes me think I've made the wrong decision somewhere, because clearly I have no idea what an XOOPS_TRUST_PATH is or how to define something..

it says to copy something into the XOOPS root path.. I can guess what it means by that, I'm not entirely stupid and I've been working with websites long enough to know root paths etc.

then it wants me to copy something into the XOOPS trust path.. once again, completely clueless on this..

What I want to know is:

1) Have I made the wrong decision choosing XOOPS for my site?

2) How do I install a module as its not showing in module administration

3) Is protector installed or ready to install already, and if not, where can I find the English version of the instructions (ie for someone who doesn't know XOOPS specific terms, such as a new user like myself)

any help with this would be gratefully appreciated!

Re: problem with modules

firstly, no, I don't think you've made a bad choice in choosing XOOPS. Stick with it, it just keeps on getting better

If you haven't read it already, I'd recommend you take a look at this: Starting A XOOPS Site. That should help you with some of the terminology and give you a good understanding of what XOOPS is all about.

Next, Protector. It's actually a lot easier than it sounds. I'll presume that you are using the latest XOOPS (2.3.1) for the rest of this:

When you installed XOOPS on your server, did you notice the recommendation to rename and/or move the two folders (directories) 'xoops_data' and 'xoops_lib' out of the publicly viewable area of your server? What you were doing was creating a trust path. A place which XOOPS can pass data through, out of view of prying eyes. Processes flow through this 'trust path' before returning to the publicly accessible areas of your site (a gross simplification, but it serves it's purpose here). It makes hacking your site a whole lot more difficult. I control my server through CPanel, and can see the areas hierarchically above the directory 'public_html'. Some hosts don't give you this level of access I've heard. Anyway, I rename and place 'xoops_data' and 'xoops_lib' at the same level as public_html. That's the trust path.

If you did this at installation, the 'installation wizard' should have asked you to direct it to these two directories. If you didn't do that, you might be advised to do it now, before we go any further.

*Guys, if I've missed something out or given wrong advice, please correct me right here and now. I've only recently got to grips with protector myself.

We're going to do a re-initialization of your xoops.

- Using your ftp application of choice, move and rename those two folders.

- Now navigate down into public_html, and locate the file mainfile.php and mainfile.dist.php

- trash them

- Having done that, you need to go back to your downloaded XOOPS archive and re-read the 'install.html' in the 'docs' folder. Pay attention to the part where it discusses Protector and note that there is a special version of mainfile.dist.php called "mainfile.dist.php.protector" in the 'extras' folder. This file needs re-naming (as mainfile.dist.php) and both it and the regular mainfile.php should be uploaded to your server.

- Upload the 'install' directory again (you should have deleted it after your initial install).

- check that you have given 777 permissions to everything listed in the readme

- check that you've got all your database info handy.

- You can now run through this re-install by entering "http://yoursite.com" into your browser

If all has gone well, the protector module should be visible in admin > system > modules and you are now able to proceed.

Never let a man who does not believe something can be done, talk to a man that is doing it.

Re: problem with modules
  • 2008/10/29 3:42

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 11427

  • Since: 2004/4/23

First, welcome to XOOPS!!!

As a new user, I assume you've downloaded and installed the XOOPS 2.3.1 version. If not, please download it and use follow the instructions in "upgrade". And since we're installing things, set the Debug to on (Admin/preferences/General Settings)

1) For the time being, delete the "xcenter" directory from your /modules directory

2) Check in Admin/Modules if you see icons for pm, profile, protector, system, thadmin

3) If you see them, then install the Protector - just click on the "install" icon, and that should install it on your system.

4) Then install the PM and Profile modules.

If all works, then you can copy again the "xcenter" module and see if it is visible. If yes, then install it. If not, then this module has compatibility problems.

Please let us know how it worked, and we'll figure it out together

[EDIT] looks like SailJapan was first with his response.
Use 2.5.11 | Docs | Modules | Bugs

Re: problem with modules

Try mamba's way first. less drastic.
Never let a man who does not believe something can be done, talk to a man that is doing it.

Re: problem with modules
  • 2008/10/29 9:36

  • Anonymous

  • Posts: 0

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Also, there have been problems with some users reporting that modules don't show up if the Protector module is uploaded but actually not installed. Installing this module solves the problem.

Although I would strongly recommend installing Protector, if I've read it correctly then if not yet installed, deleting the module's folder will also solve the problem.


Re: problem with modules
  • 2008/10/29 11:14

  • fireflies

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 4

  • Since: 2008/10/29

Ok, I deleted the xcenter directory (I'm 99.9% sure there were no modules listed previously but best to confirm) and I had another look in the modules administration - still just the system module.

I went through Sailjapan's steps - moved and renamed the two folders; moved the two mainfile files (best not to delete just in case!) followed the steps in docs/install.html which said to use the mainfile.dist.php.protector in the extras folder, rename it and shove it in htdocs (ie public_html) - done.

made the two "trust path" folders writable, and the subdirectories to the data folder
moved the original mainfile.php into public_html
moved the install folder back

went through the install process again

back into the modules administration section and there is only the system module listed (does not show any other modules, and no options for the system module such as version, last update, active, order, action) does appear to have an option to rename the system module (I'll leave it as it is though)

any further help gratefully appreciated!

Re: problem with modules
  • 2008/10/31 1:05

  • fireflies

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 4

  • Since: 2008/10/29

ok still not getting anywhere with this and I don't know what to try next (aside from another CMS) any suggestions before I resort to that anyone? :)

Re: problem with modules

You can't get any response from clicking on the 'system' module, so I assume you can't switch on debug (admin>system>preferences>general settings.)
Is that right?
Never let a man who does not believe something can be done, talk to a man that is doing it.

Re: problem with modules
  • 2008/11/2 1:50

  • fireflies

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 4

  • Since: 2008/10/29

I can click on the system module and it brings up the menu options.. I can reach preferences on that menu and turn on debug.

When I go to the modules page with debug on I get:

Fatal error: Undefined class name 'xoopslocal' in /home/media/public_html/include/functions.php on line 185

All errors (0) queries (6) blocks (0) extra (0) timers (3)
SELECT * FROM x_config WHERE (conf_modid = '0' AND conf_catid = '1') ORDER BY conf_order ASC
SELECT sess_data, sess_ip FROM x_session WHERE sess_id = '674d5f42142fcf4e040426aa90596e78'
SELECT * FROM x_users WHERE uid = '1'
SELECT * FROM x_modules WHERE dirname = 'system'
SELECT * FROM x_group_permission WHERE (gperm_name = 'module_admin' AND gperm_modid = '1' AND (gperm_groupid = '1' OR gperm_groupid = '2'))
SELECT * FROM x_modules
Total: 6 queries
Total: 0 blocks
XOOPS took 0.028 seconds to load.
XOOPS Boot took 0.017 seconds to load.
Module init took 0.011 seconds to load.

(I changed the MySQL prefix/table names and sessionid for security purposes in this post)

Re: problem with modules
  • 2008/11/26 11:36

  • bintel

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 18

  • Since: 2006/1/12

hello. i had the same issue and it turned out to be a permission issue. xoops_data and xoops_lib must have the correct permissions for modules to appear.


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