Hmmm...I get the idea now - thanks! However ----When I attempt to edit the template for my copy of the main menu, it only let's me view it (without a save option even in the pop up window). Also, after locating the file of:
system_block_mainmenu.html - Which I have located only in the directories of the system/templates and system/templates/blocks ...I attempted to do the change myself and it still doesn't want to add the items even after uploading it to the web site. The template file doesn't show the changes I made unless I am going into a different directory.
Could this be due to a permissions setting (I even chmod to 777 as a test).
In short, I want to create a menu using the exact same format that this site is using with the 'buttons' used exactly the same as they are here except with my own links of course.
I am a complete novice when it comes to the smarty protocol so please forgive my ignorance.
Creating the secondary menu, or the menu with plain links is easy enough and I don't want to go there unless necessary.
X2 is the best I have seen yet after testing the 1.3 etc for a while. I have tried Postnuke, PHP nuke and others and this by far is blowing the doors off of them. I am planning on using this for a full site once the final release comes out.