I have an excel spreadhseet (and comma deliminated text file mirroring it) that contains user data (several hundred accounts) from a previous web site with a format like this :
[b]User Name Password Real Name etc[/b]
ABCDE 123456 Joe Bloggs etc
I want to automate the importing of this data in my new XOOPS (2.0.13) site (obviosuly I'll remove the values that are not needed for XOOPS registration) so that they retain the usernames and passwords and to avoid me having to manually re-input them all.
I'm trying to find a script or process to do this. Having scouled the net, I have found many references to SQL queries like this :
load data local
infile '/home/sites/siteno/users/your/local/directory/tablename.txt'
into table tablename fields terminated by ',';
But I'm really not comfortable with what I am supposed to be doing. I have access to phpMyAdmin, but just want to know what values I need to replace and with what? Can anyone quickly write me some SQL that would import the values into my XOOPS site? I'd really REALLY appreciate it.