I have a site "xoops" I use MyTube:
http://code.google.com/p/mcdonaldsstore/downloads/list for the videos,
but I have a problem with spaces in the links from my site in url rewriting
this is what I did:
Options + FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^ watch-(.+)-([ ]+)-([ 0-9 0-9] +). $ Html / modules / MyTube / singlevideo.php? Cid = $ 2 & lid = $ 3 [L]
The result:
http://xxx.com/regarder-titre-de-la-video-15-565.htmlto have links with the title of the video I changed the links page (. html) template of modules
eg in lxoopstube_block_new_h
I put
<($ Xoops_url)> / modules / <($ videoload.dirname)> / watch-<($ videoload.title }>-<{$ videoload.cid }>-<{$ videoload.id)>. Html
<($) Videoload.title> is under the video
my problem is that most videos continnent spaces in the title eg title of video
This gives the following url
http://xxx.com/regarder-titre% 20de% 20la% 20vidéo-15-565.html and accented letters are displayed as they are,
I want to know Quesques I do to prevent 20% of my links and how to replace accented letters with non-accented equivalents
tnx & sorry for my bad english