Re: Urgent - resetting admin pass
  • 2009/7/22 19:26

  • go4group

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 2

  • Since: 2008/11/10

Admin password is stored as MD5 of the password so you need to run query like

update `xoops_users` set pass=MD5('admin_pass_goes_here') were uname = 'admin';

update `xoops_usersset pass=MD5('admin_pass_goes_here'were uname 'admin';

Bug:Smarty/xoops_plugin while two modules have same template name - XOOPS 2.3.3
  • 2009/5/27 14:50

  • go4group

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 2

  • Since: 2008/11/10

I have created two different modules both have few common files templates like "header.html", "footer.html"
In tplfile and tplsurce table the the data is perfect.

Now coming to the problem.

suppose i have module names M1 & M2
i install them and i see that in M2 system is displaying template of M1. I can not understand this. when i uninstall M1 again M2 is working fine. but on installing M1, M1 takes wrong templates. In sort the module which installed first is over riding the templates with same name in other modules installed after wards.

I tried to debug this problem and i observe that


fetches the correct templates.

so i tried to modify the template in the First install module(Whose templates are apprring in other modules), and surprisingly

fetching correct result and then in display the html from the file in the first installed directory.

I can change my template name in each module to avoid this problem but i think this is major bug in XOOPS 2.3.3 i didn't tested this with earlier versions.



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