Re: Coppermine Photo Gallery 1.4 Beta
  • 2008/5/26 11:16

  • violet

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 1

  • Since: 2008/5/19

Hi all,

I managed to integrate coppermine into XOOPS with the help of Coppermines 1.43 bridge functionality and wrapping of the most important Coppermine files.

There is one thing that does not work in Bridge mode: the xp_publish upload possibility. (this seems to be a known problem according to the coppermine forum and can be solved by changing some files).

With bridging disabled the XP-Publish functionality is working perferct.

Does anybody already solved the xp_publish problem with bridge enabled?

For the time being I have disabled the bridge functionality since I'm the only registered user.
With the most important files wrapped vistors won't see any difference but it would be nice if also this problem could be solved.


1.backup your xoops.inc.php
2.use below code to replace xoops.inc.php file then xp_publish upload can work normal.
the solution is found fromhttp://coppermine-gallery.net/


Coppermine Photo Gallery
Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Coppermine Dev Team
v1.1 originally written by Gregory DEMAR

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3
as published by the Free Software Foundation.

Coppermine version: 1.4.14
$Revision: 3966 $
$Author: gaugau $
$Date: 2007-09-17 08:53:13 +0200 (Mo, 17 Sep 2007) $

if (!defined('IN_COPPERMINE')) die('Not in Coppermine...');

// Switch that allows overriding the bridge manager with hard-coded values
define('USE_BRIDGEMGR', 1);

require_once 'bridge/udb_base.inc.php';

} else {
require_once($BRIDGE['relative_path_to_config_file'] . 'mainfile.php');

// reset to cpg db

class xoops_udb extends core_udb {

function xoops_udb()
global $BRIDGE, $xoopsDB;

$this->use_post_based_groups = $BRIDGE['use_post_based_groups'];

$this->boardurl = XOOPS_URL;
$this->multigroups = 1;
$this->group_overrride = 0;

// Board table names
$this->table = array(
'users' => 'users',
'groups' => 'groups',
'usergroups' => 'groups_users_link'

// Database connection settings
$this->db = array(
'name' => XOOPS_DB_NAME,
'prefix' =>XOOPS_DB_PREFIX . '_',
'host' =>XOOPS_DB_HOST,
'user' => XOOPS_DB_USER

// Derived full table names
$this->usertable = '`' . $this->db['name'] . '`.' . $this->db['prefix'] . $this->table['users'];
$this->groupstable = '`' . $this->db['name'] . '`.' . $this->db['prefix'] . $this->table['groups'];
$this->usergroupstable = '`' . $this->db['name'] . '`.' . $this->db['prefix'] . $this->table['usergroups'];

// Table field names
$this->field = array(
'username' => 'uname', // name of 'username' field in users table
'user_id' => 'uid', // name of 'id' field in users table
'password' => 'pass', // name of the password field in the users table
'email' => 'email', // name of 'email' field in users table
'regdate' => "''", // name of 'registered' field in users table
'lastvisit' => 'last_login', // last time user logged in
'active' => "''", // is user account active?
'location' => "''", // name of 'location' field in users table
'website' => "''", // name of 'website' field in users table
'usertbl_group_id' => 'uid', // name of 'group id' field in users table
'grouptbl_group_id' => 'groupid', // name of 'group id' field in groups table
'grouptbl_group_name' => 'name' // name of 'group name' field in groups table

// Pages to redirect to
$this->page = array(
'register' => '/register.php',
'editusers' => '/index.php?action=mlist',
'edituserprofile' => '/userinfo.php?uid='

// Group ids - admin and guest only.
$this->admingroups = array(XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN);
$this->guestgroup = XOOPS_GROUP_ANONYMOUS + ($this->use_post_based_groups ? 100 : 0);

// Connect to db - or supply a connection id to be used instead of making own connection.

function get_groups($row)
if ($this->use_post_based_groups){
//$groups = $_SESSION['xoopsUserGroups'];
//foreach ($groups as $a => &$b) $b += 100;
$groups = array();
foreach ($_SESSION['xoopsUserGroups'] as $a => $b) $groups[$a] = $b + 100;
return $groups;
return array($_SESSION['xoopsUserGroups'][0]);

// definition of how to extract id, name, group from a session cookie
function session_extraction()
return array($_SESSION['xoopsUserId'], 'fudge');

// definition of how to extract an id and password hash from a cookie
function cookie_extraction()
return false; //unused

// definition of actions required to convert a password from user database form to cookie form
function udb_hash_db($password)
return 'fudge';

function login_page()
global $CONFIG;

$parts = parse_url($CONFIG['site_url']);
$path = $parts['path'];

function logout_page()
global $CONFIG;

$parts = parse_url($CONFIG['site_url']);
$path = $parts['path'];

function view_users()


function get_users($options = array())
global $CONFIG;

// Copy UDB fields and config variables (just to make it easier to read)
$f =& $this->field;
$C =& $CONFIG;

// Sort codes
$sort_codes = array('name_a' => 'user_name ASC',
'name_d' => 'user_name DESC',
'group_a' => 'group_name ASC',
'group_d' => 'group_name DESC',
'reg_a' => 'user_regdate ASC',
'reg_d' => 'user_regdate DESC',
'pic_a' => 'pic_count ASC',
'pic_d' => 'pic_count DESC',
'disku_a' => 'disk_usage ASC',
'disku_d' => 'disk_usage DESC',
'lv_a' => 'user_lastvisit ASC',
'lv_d' => 'user_lastvisit DESC',

// Fix the group id, if bridging is enabled
if ($CONFIG['bridge_enable']) {
$f['usertbl_group_id'] .= '+100';

// Build WHERE clause, if this is a username search
if ($options['search']) {
$options['search'] = 'WHERE u.'.$f['username'].' LIKE "'.$options['search'].'" ';

// Build SQL table, should work with all bridges
$sql = "SELECT u.{$f['user_id']} as user_id, {$f['username']} as user_name, {$f['email']} as user_email, {$f['regdate']} as user_regdate, {$f['lastvisit']} as user_lastvisit, '' as user_active, ".
"COUNT(pid) as pic_count, ROUND(SUM(total_filesize)/1024) as disk_usage, group_name, group_quota ".
"FROM {$this->usertable} AS u ".
"INNER JOIN {$this->usergroupstable} AS ug ON u.uid = ug.uid ".
"ON g.group_id = ug.{$f['grouptbl_group_id']} LEFT JOIN {$C['TABLE_PICTURES']} AS p ON p.owner_id = u.{$f['user_id']} ".
"GROUP BY user_id " . "ORDER BY " . $sort_codes[$options['sort']] . " ".
"LIMIT {$options['lower_limit']}, {$options['users_per_page']};";

$result = cpg_db_query($sql);

// If no records, return empty value
if (!$result) {
return array();

// Extract user list to an array
while ($user = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$userlist[] = $user;

return $userlist;

function login( $username = null, $password = null, $remember = false ) {
$uname = !isset($username) ? '' : trim($username);
$pass = !isset($password) ? '' : trim($password);
if ($uname == '' || $pass == '') {
return false;
$member_handler =& xoops_gethandler('member');
$myts =& MyTextsanitizer::getInstance();
require_once '../class/auth/authfactory.php';
$xoopsAuth =& XoopsAuthFactory::getAuthConnection();
$auth = $xoopsAuth->authenticate($myts->addSlashes($username), $myts->addSlashes($password));
if (!$auth) {
return false;
$user =& $member_handler->loginUser($myts->addSlashes($username), $myts->addslashes($password));
$_SESSION = array();
$_SESSION['xoopsUserId'] = $user->getVar('uid');
$_SESSION['xoopsUserGroups'] = $user->getGroups();
if ($xoopsConfig['use_mysession'] && $xoopsConfig['session_name'] != '') {
setcookie($xoopsConfig['session_name'], session_id(), time()+(1 * $xoopsConfig['session_expire']), '/', '', 0);
$USER_DATA['username'] = $username;
$USER_DATA['password'] = $password;
return $USER_DATA;


// and go !
$cpg_udb = new xoops_udb;



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