Re: XOOPS front page
  • 2005/6/25 8:57

  • Tonino

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 3

  • Since: 2003/2/2 1


Chappy wrote:
YOu create a custom block ADMIN|BLOCKS down at the bottom of the blocks page there is a section to create a new block. Create your new blcok in that place. Give your block a weight less than the weight of your news and forum blocks (so that it sits above them in page placement) and then submit your new block. Then give permissions to the groups you want to see that block.

Thanks, I have already created that welcome block, the question is: I don't have in the blocks NO NEWS BLOCKS ACTIVE, but in the main settings I do have the News MODULE as default. Despite giving different weight position that welcome block is ALWAYS BELOW THE NEWS box.

Re: XOOPS front page
  • 2005/6/25 7:40

  • Tonino

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 3

  • Since: 2003/2/2 1

Thanks for the info, so far I managed to bring in the front page the News box before the Forum box, but still I can't find no were the solution in how to bring the Welcome box (simple HTML block) at the very top, that is before the News box. Some help is much appreciated.

XOOPS front page
  • 2005/6/24 10:07

  • Tonino

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 3

  • Since: 2003/2/2 1

Hy to you all,

As I'm new on Xoops, I'm struggling to setup my site particularly the front page section.

I would like to setup the front page of my portal, in the following way (exactly as it is this portal - Welcome message at the top - News box in the middle section - Forum box at the bottom).

My first question is: how do I create a Welcome message (similar to the one included in Xoops)? Do I need to create a block where I can include that welcome message or it is done in a different way?

Lastly I do setup the boxes in the way that I mentioned before?

Many thanks in advance



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