Changing Menu block and adding external sites
  • 2008/3/15 5:50

  • Acill

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  • Posts: 40

  • Since: 2007/5/31

I want to set up a few sites for things in my world of warcraft guild site that I cant find a module for in Xoops. I want these external sites to look like they are still part of the main site my users go into. How can I get the sites location into my menu, and have it open in the site.

I found an iframe module, but its real bad, and I have seen other XOOPS based sites do this very clean and look perfect.

I could use the content module, but I cant seem to figure out how to get the default menu to hide, and how to get all the regular menu items for my site into that. Can I get some help if this is the way its done?

The location for my site is http://www.holycrusade.org if you need to take a look at it.

PHPnuke to Xoops Module porting?
  • 2008/3/9 10:29

  • Acill

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  • Posts: 40

  • Since: 2007/5/31

i am looking for a way to get the module at the link I am posting here to work in Xoops. How hard would it be to get this done? Can it even be done?


Site Application module?
  • 2008/3/5 3:02

  • Acill

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  • Posts: 40

  • Since: 2007/5/31

I am looking for an application module. Something that users wanting to get into my World of Warcraft can fill out, answer supplied questions and hit submit when done. It would be nice if it would email a specific user after or post the application answers into a forum area I choose. Is there anything like this out there?

Re: Theme ...fiblack3dblue not working.
  • 2008/3/4 15:30

  • Acill

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  • Since: 2007/5/31

I am also using the theme, but it works great. I want to replace the top banner with my own. So far i can only replace the image that pushes to the left. How do i edit the theme to display my banner image across the whole top?

See my site at http://www.holycrusade.org

How to show an external site in xoops?
  • 2007/9/3 14:56

  • Acill

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  • Posts: 40

  • Since: 2007/5/31

I want to set my guild roster and show the armory from official wow site wrapped in my XOOPS 2.0.16 site.

So far I found myiframe which does it, but I want the link to it as a menu item in the main menu, and using that it adds a list of sites once you click on it.

Take a look here at my site http://www.thedevildogs.org and select The Armory from the main meny to see what I am talking about.

Is there a way to have it look like that after you click the item in myiframe, but only make each site a enu item and then have it open to the content right away?

If you click my Guild Roster (its the wowrosterx module) This is the effect i am looking to do, only using another web site so i can install the latest roster 2.0 and uniadmin, making them seamless.

Xoops Site Admins needed.
  • 2007/8/9 19:19

  • Acill

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  • Since: 2007/5/31

I run a WOW guild XOOPS 2.0.16 based site. I basicly do this alone and am looking for some help to clean up the site and get it polished, add some more advances features and so on. If anyone is interested in leanding a had i would love the help! You can view the stire at http://www.thedevildogs.org

Re: CBB is not showing post count?
  • 2007/8/6 5:39

  • Acill

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  • Since: 2007/5/31

Not the most glamorous fix, but it did it. Thanks a lot for the suggestion.

Re: CBB is not showing post count?
  • 2007/8/5 23:09

  • Acill

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  • Since: 2007/5/31

Just the theme I have now, the others are working. The strange thing is I didnt mess with any of the theme files, but it messed it up some how when I changed the user ranks name.

CBB is not showing post count?
  • 2007/8/5 13:18

  • Acill

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  • Posts: 40

  • Since: 2007/5/31

After I went into my system module and edited the post number range for user ranks my post counts for users now looks like it may be white on white for the font or something. When I look at a thread and mouse over the users Post: area it shows up yellow with his post number, and if I mouse away it goes back to being unseen. Can someone help. XOOPS is 2.0.16 and CBB is 3.05.

Website is http://www.thedevildogs.org

User Ranks setting change messed up forum post counts
  • 2007/8/3 15:38

  • Acill

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  • Posts: 40

  • Since: 2007/5/31

I just changed the name of my user ranks and post count requirments. Now my post count will no longer show up for users and I get an error in CBB 3.05 when I am in admin and hit sync. Its code and I dont know how to show it here.

All I changed is in the system module admin area I selected User Ranks, and changed the names and post # required for that rank to match the site more instead of the stock names.

I am using XOOPS 2.0.16
Forum is CBB 3.05

Web site is located at http://www.thedevildogs.org

I have turned on inline debug if anyone can please help.

Another option is if someone can give me the stock setting for the user ranks and I can try to restore it?

If I could get a PM or some email help it would be great, its urgent I get this fixed and I have no idea what is causing it.

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