Custom multimenu template help

I have made a custom template to go along with multimenu. It is a horizantal menu and the pattern I am trying for is this:
link | link | link | link
the code i am using is a follows

<{foreach item=imenu from=$block.contents}>
<a class="menuMain"<{if $imenu.link}>href="<{$imenu.linkurl}>"<{$imenu.target}><{/if}>title="<{$imenu.alt_title}>">

But unfortunatly, it gives me this:
link | link | link | link |
I need to add a counter that detect when the last link is present and then not print the &nbsp;| after it. How can I do this?

Thanks in advance.

Content 0.5 Problems

I have been trying to search for an answer but I have not been able to find one. People have suggested to me to use Content 0.5 to add static content to my website. However, after I install it and try to click any of the links to use it, nothing happens. I have tried turning on debuging but it reports no errors either. How can I diagnos or solve this problem?

Confused abouy module choices.

I am trying to transfer a clients website from a fairly static website into the XOOPS system. The end goal is to have a website that is dynamic and can be updated by someone with little to now html knowledge. The original website is www.millergirls.org
Below are the basic functionality that I need and my initial module ideas on them, but I am not sure what will be the easiest and most efficient in the end.

Basic content: The user needs to be able to type in text for each page. Preferably, it will be broken up into sections with a picture and a title for each one like on the current web page. Ex - Home and About Us pages. I am not sure what module to use for this purpose.

Member Page: The second thing I need is a page that can display all the members of the organization. I thought I would just use the mod that give extended registration information for this, how ever I would need a way to outtput the information into the webpage. Is it a simple matter of writting a php script to do so? Or is there a better way?

Event Signup/Calendar: This one is pretty simple. I will just use extcal. My one question is with extcal is there a way to limit the number of people who can sign up for an event?

Pictures/forums: These are self explanatory and I do not need any advice on.

If you could look over the website and my needs and let me know what you suggest it would greatly be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

eXtCal errors

This is my first post so hopefully I do this right. To start off, I am trying to use eXtCal in XOOPS to give one of the websites I run a way to events on a calendar that users will be able to signup for. Now for the specifics.
Here is what I am running:
XOOPS (newest version)
News 1.44
XOOPS Protector 2.57
wfsection 1.01
multimenu 1.82
iContent 4.5
Edito 2.44
CBB 3.08
Agenda-X 2.2
eXtCal 2.0.1

Now not all of these are actually being used, I have just started using XOOPS so I am trying to figure out which modules are best for my needs. The current active ones are:
Protector, Multimenu, Edito, CBB, Agenda, and eXtCal

So now that we have that out of the way here are some of the errors I get, where I got them, and their corresponding line of code.

When I try to open the Admin index I get:
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/.maryanna/millergweb/millergirls.dreamhosters.com/modules/extcal/admin/index.php on line 210
line 210: $xTheme->loadModuleAdminMenu(1);

When I try to open the category admin I get:
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/.maryanna/millergweb/millergirls.dreamhosters.com/modules/extcal/admin/cat.php on line 98
line 98: $xTheme->loadModuleAdminMenu(2);

When I try to open the event admin I get:
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/.maryanna/millergweb/millergirls.dreamhosters.com/modules/extcal/admin/event.php on line 183
line 183: $xTheme->loadModuleAdminMenu(3);

When I try to open the permissions admin I get:
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/.maryanna/millergweb/millergirls.dreamhosters.com/modules/extcal/admin/perm.php on line 31
line 31: $xTheme->loadModuleAdminMenu(4);

When I try to access pruning I get:
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/.maryanna/millergweb/millergirls.dreamhosters.com/modules/extcal/admin/prune.php on line 92
Line 92: $xTheme->loadModuleAdminMenu(5);

And finally, when I try to view eXtCal as a user form the website, I get the following:
Fatal error: Class extcaleventhandler: Cannot inherit from undefined class xoopspersistableobjecthandler in /home/.maryanna/millergweb/millergirls.dreamhosters.com/modules/extcal/class/event.php on line 59
line 59: class ExtcalEventHandler extends XoopsPersistableObjectHandler

So, as it seems, the admin error seems to be coming from xTheme->loadModuleAdminMenu(#);. However, I am not sure what this means. As for the user side error. I have no clue abou that either.

Thanks for everyones help in advanced, I tried seaching in the forums but could not find anything about this. However, I apologize if I missed a post that talks about this. Let see what people can come up with. If this is a common problem I would like to look into fixing it and making a patch or updated version of eXtCal.



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