Handling sessions in xoops
  • 2007/1/24 8:32

  • andy1234

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 7

  • Since: 2007/1/4 9

Hi guys,

I cannot figure out how to handle my own custom sessions in my custom blocks.

Here is the situation:

1) I start session and assign a few variables, ex

S_SESSION['test']= 'mystring';

2) Next, I want to get this session value from the custom block, i.e. including

echo S_SESSION['test'];

However, it does not work and the XOOPS include files are preventing from showing thos sesion values. At the same time I can get it easily from the outside file (not the XOOPS shell)

Please, help, very urgent!!



Re: Show right block in custom module
  • 2007/1/6 23:27

  • andy1234

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 7

  • Since: 2007/1/4 9

Thank you for help, but I still cannot figure out how this statement works (I mean $xoopsOption['show_rblock'])

If I change it (1 or 0) and update the module accordingly, it makes no changes on the page. If there some modules on the right block, it shows them anyway.

Is there a good explanation of all the options somewhere?

Re: Show right block in custom module
  • 2007/1/6 22:59

  • andy1234

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 7

  • Since: 2007/1/4 9

I guess it will work. What will happen with the "empty" right block? Will it still take some space on the page or the central block will be extended to the right?

Also, what is the purpose of this statement $xoopsOption['show_rblock'] = 0;

Show right block in custom module
  • 2007/1/6 22:36

  • andy1234

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 7

  • Since: 2007/1/4 9

Hi everybody,

I am playing with XOOPS and very impressed so far - it is far better from the development point than joomla or drupal. I have added a new simple module with the basic index.php:

$xoopsOption['show_rblock'] = 0;
there will be the main content

I assume that it should not show the right block, however, it shows it even with the 'zero" option of the $xoopsOption['show_rblock']

How can I switch the right (left) block on/off for the custom module?

Also, is there a list of all the xoopsOptions with some explanation?



Re: How to add a new php page
  • 2007/1/6 0:45

  • andy1234

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 7

  • Since: 2007/1/4 9

Thank you guys! It is getting better

I still have a simple structural question:

1. I create a new page test.php using



It is clear how to POST php data or just call the page

2. Question: how to change the layout of all the blocks on this page (test.php)? Because it does not appear in the drop-down menu of the available pages (when editing the blocks) I cannot manage it.

I understand that I should include this page into the list of the choices (top page, all pages etc). How can I do this?



How to add a new php page
  • 2007/1/4 9:26

  • andy1234

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 7

  • Since: 2007/1/4 9

Hi everybody,

I am new in XOOPS and cannot get the documentation as the server is still down. Could someone please, answer a few simple questions:

1. How to create a new php page to which I could POST data from another php page? I understand how to create a new block, but cannot figure out how to reference a page to submit the data.

2. How to change the links on the top menu (horizontal)? Are there any mods to create dhtml menus?

I have over 30 php pages with cross references via sessions and POST/GET. Is XOOPS a good framework to incorporate such a structure?





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