LDAP Authentication
  • 2009/12/18 23:06

  • ravenhwk

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 2

  • Since: 2006/11/28

I have 2.3.2 and have been searching for a long time for and answer to my LDAP problem. I have a web server running Xoops. I have a directory system (eDirectory/Active Directory) that has LDAP. I can authenticate to LDAP from the site, but when I create a new user it refuses to create on in the directory. So, when a user tries to login, access denied. Am I missing something? Is there a way to fix this?

Banner clicks not counting
  • 2006/11/28 4:45

  • ravenhwk

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 2

  • Since: 2006/11/28

I recently added 2.0.15 and after setting up 2 banners I have noticed that the impressions are increasing, but the clicks remain at 0. My banners are Javascript and the HTML checkbox is checked. The banners show properly on the screen, but I cannot seem to get it to count. Any ideas?



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