hi i have a website thats related to the WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) and now i want to have the same way of displaying news as on http://www.wwe.com, i mean the sliding picture thing with some tekst under its (sorry i dont know how such a thing is called)
if anyone knows where to get this or how to make it any help would be verry apriciated!
im searching my *** of the internet for a autologin for XOOPS 2.0.14. Anyone knows where to get one or how to make one? would apriciate ir really much!
Hi on my website forum sigs are only displayed in the first post they post and if they post again its shows this as sig: Proud Member And Founder Of The Mick Kliq
hi i use the forum newbb2 and now i was wondering how to change the background of the ''redirecting & thkx for your post)'' screen when u post something.
now i forgot to edit the style.temp.css to style.css and now i got the background but still when i try to shout something theres no tekst only the : in the upper left corner.
Hi, i just installed the Shoutbox 3.2 and set the weight to ''0'' and put it in display in the blocks page but now when its displayed i cant shout tekst in the shoubox, only in the upper left corner its displays '' : '' anyone knows how to fix this?
als the shoutbox is using my main background too so now it looks like there's a gap in my site, how to turn it white?