- my tables are too large for php(myadmin) import, am using using cli import
- original sites use sme-server 9.2 which has been replaced by sme-server 10. The sme 10 copies I am working on use sql exported (phpmyadmin) and imported (cli). Problem exists on old sme 9.2 and sme 10 sites.
- I always use expendable VM copy when doing dangerous stuff such as (db) global changes
- Disk layout or corruptions not the issue, since sme-10 VM's created from scratch. Xoops installation copied from old.
"try an index on the user_regdate column" HOW?, Just a matter of adding index property, or altering mysql queries? Ditto for limit clause.
"groups_users_link" dead entries. Problem?, how remove?
If your investigation requires access to 2.5.4, PM me and I will setup ssh (to a sme-10 copy VM, primary still running under sme-9.2 until migration complete) access for you. Or, you can DL entire VM, but my upload speed slow, will take hours to DL.