Re: debaser question
  • 2006/5/27 21:53

  • deadlyromio

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  • Posts: 3

  • Since: 2006/5/15

O nice frank, and I thought the module was no longer worked on..sorry to say your french when you are german...world cup babby..(but i'm for korea)..just spoke to soon..hehe...yea...i like the module..nice work...i don't have XOOPS site yet as i'm testing different cms..but if i do go ahead and lauch one it will be based on this module..(i've changed all paths to media instead of debaser so if you want it i will give it o you so don't have to do the grunt work of changing all the paths, just pm me and i'll upload it to megaupload)..i'm testing ways to protect the url of my flv files..using js, some php parameters, and frames to make it harder for someone to find the absolute url...of course there is no way to really hide it but i'm trying---

Is the next version going to have any security measures for protecting the url of the file?

debaser question
  • 2006/5/27 1:00

  • deadlyromio

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 3

  • Since: 2006/5/15

Hi, testing XOOPS out and saw this neat mod.

I see this line in templates/debaser_player

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="<{$maintheme}>" />

I don't see it in the module file. I'm using the newest version. I'm trying to resize the popup window but it won't change eveno thought I clear my brower, clear the cache in xoops.

I also did this:

<body onload="resizeWinTo('playerdiv');" style="padding: 0px; margin:0px; background-color:#333333; color:#333333;">
<div style="position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; width:640px; background-color:#333333; color:#333333;" id="playerdiv">
<table class="outer" bgcolor="#333333">

didn't change

I see this also

<td class="odd">

Where is this "odd" css located. I looked in xoops.css, not there so I'm assuming it's in the maintheme.css but don't know where that is.

By the way, if I added a flv player and did some touch up work on this module, and changed the name for debaser (weird name, guess the dude is french or something) and changed all paths to media.

But I don't think that did anything since everything works fine during testing except for the resize.

Thanks for any help.

Moving to Xoops?
  • 2006/5/26 15:18

  • deadlyromio

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 3

  • Since: 2006/5/15

HI, I've been using Joomla since it's inception from Mambo but have now decided to move all my sites to a different cms. The main reason for this is I've been noticing a trend in Joomla where more and more oftne the plugins/modules are becoming commericalized which is fine and I'm not against it but it seems the open source concept is getting detered and so I've decided to step away.

I'v decided on XOOPS or Drupal.

I like XOOPS since the stable version I tested was easiy to modifiy and changes in the core/mods weren't as hard as Drupal. But I can understand why from other forums that XOOPS is a bit old and updates are slow.

So I'm pretty much leaning to XOOPS but is XOOPS still being worked on actively or by just a few people? I see that there are 2.0.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x, and soon 2.4.x versions, so which one is someone suppose to use exactly and how come there are so many versions as I don't know the story of XOOPS except that I've read that alot of the core development team from the past left.

I see that alot of people use 2.2.x but as stated on this site that it is not recommended for production use although alot of people seem to be using it anyways.

Anyways, any information would be helpful as I've got to get ready to port everything to a new cms, thanks.



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