Re: Newbb 4.3 jump to last read post
  • 2012/10/4 20:44

  • kwaltman

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  • Posts: 17

  • Since: 2006/4/19

Will Newbb 4.3 work with Xoops 2.3?

Also curious have there been any changes to the upload mechanism since CBB 3.07? Many of my users post pictures to my forum pages, and want to be able to "Multi-Select" several pictures at once and them upload them together. Instead of having to attach each picture one at a time. So was just curious if anything like this has been added.

Also any plans to add Tapatalk integration? Would be great for mobile users.

Re: Newbb 4.3 jump to last read post
  • 2012/9/30 17:37

  • kwaltman

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  • Posts: 17

  • Since: 2006/4/19

Thanks a lot for this! As soon as I get my site migrated, I will get 4.3 installed, and these changes made.


Newbb 4.3 jump to last read post
  • 2012/9/27 18:21

  • kwaltman

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  • Posts: 17

  • Since: 2006/4/19

I have an older 2.3 Xoops site running CBB 3.07 which is pretty hacked. Would really like to update to the lastest Xoops core, but want to make sure if I migrate to NewBB 4.3 in the process that I wont totally loose some of the functionality that was in my hacked CBB 3.07.

The most important hack I have in place is that it remembers where a user was in in a particular topic. So if new posts have been added to particular topic since that User last read it, and the User goes back and clicks on that topic from the forum topic list, he is taken to the directly to the point in the thread where the oldest unread post starts. I believe for every Topic, it stores a marker in the DB per user where they left off at.

Is that feature/behavior already part of NewBB 4.3?

Re: FlashChat v 4.7.11 Possible to intergrade?
  • 2008/8/14 6:53

  • kwaltman

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For anyone interested or that has tried to use FlastChat's Ajax client (instead of, or with the Flash Client) with Xoops, I figured out how to make it use the XOOPS user information for automatic login. That has been an outstanding issue with between the Ajax version and various CMS systems. So here is the link to the forum on the FlashChat website where the hack is, and the changes I figured our to make it work with Xoops. Enjoy.


I acutally use both clients on my website. So regular users can use the Full Feature Flash version, and then users that are having problems with the Flash one, can use the Ajax version and all can talk in the same chat room.

Re: Adding XoopEditors support to standard HTML forms
  • 2008/6/30 16:33

  • kwaltman

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  • Posts: 17

  • Since: 2006/4/19

Well I guess from the no answers that this is not an easy task to do, or perhaps I posted this in the wrong forum. Maybe I will try to post in the Module Forum and see if it gets any bites.

Adding XoopEditors support to standard HTML forms
  • 2008/6/14 23:03

  • kwaltman

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  • Posts: 17

  • Since: 2006/4/19

Not sure if this is the best place to ask this question, but here it goes.

I have a pretty simple module that I wrote in HTML/PHP that gathers information in a regular html form and then posts that infomation to a PHP page which then stores the entries in a database.

This has worked well for a long time on my website. But some of my users want the detail section of that form, which is a standard HTML textarea, to make use of the DHTMLTextEditor for editing and viewing. Is there a sample or tutorial on how to how to do this?

Currently the form does not make use of any Templates. Just a raw html form where the only think I check is to make sure the user is a valid XOOPS users, and then I store their user ID as part of the entry.

Thanks in advance,


Using Xoops Editor from a Simple Form
  • 2008/6/14 21:26

  • kwaltman

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Not sure if this is the best place to post this, but I have a question a using the XOOPS Editors.

I created a simple module that uses a regular HTML form that then sends the field information to a PHP which stores in in a database.

This has worked well on my site for many years. My users have requested to use the DHTML editor instead of the standard html TextArea.

If there an easy example that shows how this would work? This is a standard HTML form, it does not use any templates or anything like that.

Thanks in advance.


Re: New Post Count in CBB 3.08
  • 2007/10/30 18:20

  • kwaltman

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  • Posts: 17

  • Since: 2006/4/19

Perhaps a simplier question would be is there anyway to determine if there are any new unread posts for a user across any of the forums.

Basically I just need to put something on my main menu to let people know there are new unread posts (globally) since the last time they looked.

Once I can determine the Global new unread status, then I can code the notificaion into the menu. I was hoping for something like you get when you have new private messages. Just a visual notification for the users that there has been new forum activity since the there last visit. I really dont care to use any of the forum blocks at this point as I dont have the real-estate on the main page for those.

New Post Count in CBB 3.08
  • 2007/10/20 2:09

  • kwaltman

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  • Posts: 17

  • Since: 2006/4/19

Trying to figure out a way to determine the number of new posts since a user last logged in to accomplish:


Is there anyway to get a number total of the number of new posts that exists since a user has last read any of the foums? I would like to diplays a something like 'Forums (xx New)' on my main menu to show users there are new posts in the forum without them having to go look.


Is there anyway to tell if there are new posts that exist since a user has last read any of the foums? I would like to diplays a something like 'Forums (New)' on my main menu to show users there are new posts in the forum without them having to go look.

I was trying to look at the code that displays the forum list to see how it determines the which read/unread status icon to use for each fourm, in hopes I could adapt something from that. But I have had no luck as of yet.

Any help or direction would be appreciated.



New Post Count in CBB 3.08
  • 2007/10/19 21:42

  • kwaltman

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 17

  • Since: 2006/4/19

Moved to correct forum

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