Re: Help Me Decide Xoops or Joomla
  • 2006/6/10 18:17

  • hutman

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 58

  • Since: 2006/3/15

this is an easy question to answer.

Install both CMS's - play around with them and then when you come across your first problem/question/query ask in the respective forums.

Usefully for me I had an identical request for both joomla and XOOPS when I started - just a simple one about posting news articles.

Within the XOOPS forums I had four answers within three hours and ended with over twenty replies and helpful private messages.

With the Joomla forums I'm still waiting (this was three months ago).

It's the community that makes these open-source programs and it's the community that drives them forward.

For me I know that I can get answers and help for anything I want, with Joomla I know you'll get very little help without having to flash cash before anyone listens...

Re: Strange Cronjob Issues...
  • 2006/5/28 8:52

  • hutman

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 58

  • Since: 2006/3/15


It needs to be from your hosts server root:

So your site URL eg http://www.etc will never work, it needs to be:

/home/user/www etc

See this handy flash tutorial: http://www.scriptwiz.com/tutorials/cpanel/cronjob.htm

Hope this helps!

Re: Strange Cronjob Issues...
  • 2006/5/28 8:47

  • hutman

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 58

  • Since: 2006/3/15

great stuff! cheers!

Re: Strange Cronjob Issues...
  • 2006/5/28 8:33

  • hutman

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 58

  • Since: 2006/3/15

errr... lost me

What do you mena by nativemysqldump syntax? Where can I find this?

Strange Cronjob Issues...
  • 2006/5/28 7:48

  • hutman

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 58

  • Since: 2006/3/15


I'm trying to set up a backup script for my site - I've installed the Backup 3.0 module and all's hunky dory. Now I want that to be run automatically every day/week whatever so I set up a cronjob to run that points at mysite/modules/backup/admin/backup.php as the instructions suggest - however it doesn't work.

I get emailed a note saying:

/bin/sh: line 1: http://www.cgenie.net/modules/backup/admin/backup.php: No such file or directory

However I know this is balls, because if I copy and paste the link it gives me I get the backup message!!!

Am I missing something? Do I need to refresh some cache somewhere?!? I thought it might need to be chmod to 777, but that obviously isn't the case because it runs when I enter it manually...


Re: Spotlight view on Xoops.org
  • 2006/5/17 21:10

  • hutman

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 58

  • Since: 2006/3/15

Hi Bandit - great release!

Works fine now!

Re: multimenu CSS horizontal takes up one more pixel in IE?!
  • 2006/5/13 10:54

  • hutman

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 58

  • Since: 2006/3/15

hmm yeah I could see that working blueteen - I can then just increase my menu a little - do you know why this happened though? I'd like to know why it didn't work in IE so I can avoid it in future?!

multimenu CSS horizontal takes up one more pixel in IE?!
  • 2006/5/13 8:02

  • hutman

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 58

  • Since: 2006/3/15


I've got an ongoing issue with the horizontal CSS menu in multimenu - probably the easiest demonstration is to simply see it:

If you visit http://www.cgenie.net in Firefox or other browser you'll see the top menu appears perfect.

If you visit the same site in IE, you'll see a little one pixel split appears by the logo.

Does anyone know why this is happening? Multimenu has a separate CSS for IE exceptions, but I can't see any settings that might be causing this?!

Re: CSS transparency and HTML background image?!
  • 2006/5/12 19:05

  • hutman

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 58

  • Since: 2006/3/15

hmm I can't seem to replicate this? What browser are you using?

Should I be concerned about the session ID being visible?

Re: CSS transparency and HTML background image?!
  • 2006/5/12 14:05

  • hutman

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 58

  • Since: 2006/3/15

hmm tried the first one, but it doesn't appear to make a difference...

The hardocde one works perfectly! Thanks for the tips!

very strange... any resident html gurus explain why only hardcoding works?

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