Re: Xoops SMF/phpBB bridge
  • 2006/7/5 9:24

  • sinus

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  • Posts: 27

  • Since: 2005/6/11

thanks for your reply guys.
i know i should test out both before asking BUT im going to ask anyway :)
For the SMF Bridge
1) the SMF bridge, do i need to hack the XOOPS Core?
2) in http://www.simplemachines.org/community/index.php?topic=63183.0 for SMF, it says that I hide the XOOPS default login, does the rest of the user permissions; like the admin and normal users get affected?
3) will SMF use the same user database used in Xoops? or does it copy all existing users in XOOPS and transfer them into SMF?

For the PHPBB hack
1) does it use the same user database used in Xoops? or does it copy all existing users in XOOPS and transfer them into SMF?

i want to use SMF. but i am trying to weigh out which is better (SMF or the PHPBB hack) - in terms of XOOPS integration... basically what i want is a seemless integration of the forum (especially the user accounts)... i would not mind having to redesign the SMF/Phpbb template. since i want it to load separately and not wrapped around in XOOPS like a module...

Xoops SMF/phpBB bridge
  • 2006/7/5 8:41

  • sinus

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  • Posts: 27

  • Since: 2005/6/11


is there a XOOPS SMF/phpBB bridge available?
i just want the usernames/passwords to autologin into SMF/phpBB. i dont mind having to configure SMF/phpBB separately.

also, it is possible to have latest posts on XOOPS frontpage?

thanks so much.

will appreciate any reply :)


Re: Article module?
  • 2006/5/1 2:12

  • sinus

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brash wrote:

sinus wrote:
i am so frustrated looking for the pagebreak in AMS... it just does not work... i tried putting in [pagebreak] but it wont work...

how do i separate a page into multiple pages using AMS?

With AMS you must use the [extend] tag before you use the [pagebreak] tag. All [pagebreak] tags placed before the [extend] tag will be ignored.

oic... thanks ;) but i have already uninstalled AMS :( anyways, on next projects, i shall try it out again. as of now, i like the straight forwardness of Articles...

cheers all!

Re: Article module?
  • 2006/4/30 14:38

  • sinus

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nice! thanks so much. it works like charm... easier to use and more straight forward... would like to have some Spotlight blocks though... still, if i were to rate this module(for articles), i'd give it 8/10 stars! and its not even V1.0 yet

Re: Article module?
  • 2006/4/30 5:07

  • sinus

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  • Posts: 27

  • Since: 2005/6/11

i am so frustrated looking for the pagebreak in AMS... it just does not work... i tried putting in [pagebreak] but it wont work...

how do i separate a page into multiple pages using AMS?

Re: smarty variable for groups in a welcome block
  • 2005/12/9 5:13

  • sinus

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i need to do this to the template too... theme.html
what if we need to do it without using a module?
where do we put the code?

adding user using Snoopy
  • 2005/9/23 2:53

  • sinus

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i wanted to add a user in XOOPS using Snoopy class found at: http://sourceforge.net/projects/snoopy/

i was able to successfully login as admin using this code.. but when i got into the AddUser page and then submitted, i got a message "Taking you back to where you were....":
include "Snoopy.class.php";

$snoopy = new Snoopy;

$submit_url "http://myxoopssite.com/user.php";

//these are the form elements
$submit_vars["uname"] = "admin";
$submit_vars["pass"] = "secret:P";
$submit_vars["op"] = "login";
$submit_vars["xoops_redirect"] = "/user.php";
$submit_vars["submit"] = "User Login";

$key,$val) = each($snoopy->headers))
$key.": ".$val."


//echo $snoopy->results;
"error fetching document: ".$snoopy->error."n";

//do this so that the cookies/something remains after login...
$snoopy->setcookies (); 

$submit_vars['name']="This is the first name of the test user";
$submit_vars["submit"] = "Submit";

$snoopy->setcookies (); 
$key,$val) = each($snoopy->headers))
$key.": ".$val."


//echo $snoopy->results;
"error fetching document: ".$snoopy->error."n";

im thinking that it has something to do with the XOOPS Token system... how do i go around it?

Re: latest news by topic like in xoops.org
  • 2005/8/14 3:01

  • sinus

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hello im sorry for the vague instructions. i left the code at work, i will probably post it sometime monday... btw, im tracking this thread so that i wont forget ;)

Re: latest news by topic like in xoops.org
  • 2005/8/4 13:35

  • sinus

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i will post the steps how i came up with something close to what xoops.org has. it a bit confusing. i am tracking this thread, so i get an email everytime someone replies here i will be doing a documentation about it for sure in at max 2 weeks time since i will be using it for 2 XOOPS sites...

i used the following modules:
1) News Blocks - allows you to have 6 different news blocks
2) Group permission module

sorry about the details. i am a bit busy on other stuff. hope you understand

Re: latest news by topic like in xoops.org
  • 2005/8/2 1:04

  • sinus

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 27

  • Since: 2005/6/11

i have come close in making something like that above.
i basically made my own file and inserted a new block and then placed the file in an iframe... then placed a javascript in xoops.js for the iframe height resize...

anyone want the codes? :)

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