Re: How to use wysiwyg editor in module
  • 2005/8/27 18:27

  • Vigor28

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 2

  • Since: 2005/2/28

Xoops 2.0.x SPAW 1.4 as module.


if ( !preg_match("/index.php/", $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF']) ) {
exit("Access Denied");
include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/include/xoopscodes.php";
$module_handler = &xoops_gethandler('module');$module = &$module_handler->getByDirname('spaw');if (is_object($module) && $module->getVar('isactive')){ include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/spaw/spaw_control.class.php";}
$submit_page = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF'];

Re: Xoops and PHP4.4
  • 2005/8/27 8:33

  • Vigor28

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 2

  • Since: 2005/2/28

Same HERE,

Regardless of full (new) installation or upgrade from I have the same problems (exact php errors and blank pages) except my production system is:

php 4.4.0 (Zend: 1.3.0)
MySQL 4.0.25
and testing system is:

Apache 2.x (Zend 2)
php 4.4.0
mysql 4.1.14

was thinking that Protector module is the problem, but it isn't cause I removed it completely before upgrade, and on new install there is no protector module at all.
There is also strange behaviour; site is working for a few minutes, and all of sudden blank pages with no errors!? (regardless anonymous or registered user)? Home page goes blank and stays that way until I clean cache and template folders and restart the host. (all the permissions are correct O.C.)

+ when upgrading from to 2.2.2(3) I'm having a problem with wysywig editor (none of them are working). Have a spaw module installed (as a module) and working in the news module. When trying to switch to koiwi or any other in 2.2.2(3) none of them works!
This module is very important for me cause it is company site with many information only for registered users wich is maintain by our support people and they don't know html.

On clean install editors work (at least in news module)!

Spend 2 working weeks trying to upgrade and make it work stable but seeems to me that will wait some more time to switch to 2.2xx ver. and I'm afraid that this transition would have to be done as a clean install. Upgrade seems not to be working correctly (at least for systems module).

The biggest problem is in blocks handling. On clean install there are no blocks at all and have to be created. When upgraded from (in my case) there are many errors. Some blocks simply can't be turned off!?!, and some wouldn't accept changes!?



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