Re: MyMenus Module with Drag & Drop (1.50 Beta 1)
  • 2014/6/25 18:50


  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 189

  • Since: 2004/12/12

I have installed a new test server.

Server overview:


XOOPS Version XOOPS 2.5.7
PHP Version 5.3.28
mySQL Version 5.1.73-1
Server API cgi-fcgi
OS Linux
safe_mode Off
register_globals Off
magic_quotes_gpc Off
allow_url_fopen On
fsockopen On
post_max_size 96M
max_input_time 60
max_execution_time 50
memory_limit 128M
file_uploads On
upload_max_filesize 96M

Modules that I installed:


* mymenus
* publisher
* xforms
* protector

First server was 2.5.7 RC 1
This time is it 2.5.7 Final

Mymenus version: 1.5 Beta 3 (03/21/2014)

Still the same problem.

When I activate the mymenus menu block then when I press edit or should look at the homepage then the page turns white.

If I check the debug mode then I only get this:

None All Errors (0) Deprecated (0) Queries (19) Blocks (0) Extra (2) Timers(6)

If you want I could setup an account on my homepage so you could take a look to see if it's my setup who make this problem.

Best Regard

Re: MyMenus Module with Drag & Drop (1.50 Beta 1)
  • 2014/6/25 15:34


  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 189

  • Since: 2004/12/12

Yeah I saw that.

I had made an update of the mymenus before the system module and then after I got the white page I tryed to update the system module. I copy wrong data then.

Mymenus update worked without error.

Best Regards

Re: MyMenus Module with Drag & Drop (1.50 Beta 1)
  • 2014/6/25 14:52


  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 189

  • Since: 2004/12/12


I download and did an update.

Got some problem.

The control panel works.

When I click on Home Page the home page change to a white page. Nothing more.

I did this:

1) Downloaded the file
2) Copy over the old mymenus in the module folder on server.
3) Made an update in the module handler in the control panel.

Copy from the update in the module handler: Update. This was when I was trying to update the system module to see if it fixed the problem.
Module data updated.
Updating templates...
Template system_imagemanager.html inserted to the database
Template system_imagemanager.html recompiled
  Template system_imagemanager2
.html inserted to the database
Template system_imagemanager2.html recompiled
  Template system_userinfo
.html inserted to the database
Template system_userinfo.html recompiled
  Template system_userform
.html inserted to the database
Template system_userform.html recompiled
  Template system_rss
.html inserted to the database
Template system_rss.html recompiled
  Template system_redirect
.html inserted to the database
Template system_redirect.html recompiled
  Template system_comment
.html inserted to the database
Template system_comment.html recompiled
  Template system_comments_flat
.html inserted to the database
Template system_comments_flat.html recompiled
  Template system_comments_thread
.html inserted to the database
Template system_comments_thread.html recompiled
  Template system_comments_nest
.html inserted to the database
Template system_comments_nest.html recompiled
  Template system_siteclosed
.html inserted to the database
Template system_siteclosed.html recompiled
  Template system_dummy
.html inserted to the database
Template system_dummy.html recompiled
  Template system_notification_list
.html inserted to the database
Template system_notification_list.html recompiled
  Template system_notification_select
.html inserted to the database
Template system_notification_select.html recompiled
  Template system_block_dummy
.html inserted to the database
Template system_block_dummy.html recompiled
  Template system_homepage
.html inserted to the database
Template system_homepage.html recompiled
  Template system_bannerlogin
.html inserted to the database
Template system_bannerlogin.html recompiled
  Template system_banner
.html inserted to the database
Template system_banner.html recompiled
  Template system_bannerdisplay
.html inserted to the database
Template system_bannerdisplay.html recompiled
  Template system_header
.html inserted to the database
Template system_header.html recompiled
  Template system_banners
.html inserted to the database
Template system_banners.html recompiled
  Template system_modules
.html inserted to the database
Template system_modules.html recompiled
  Template system_modules_install
.html inserted to the database
Template system_modules_install.html recompiled
  Template system_modules_confirm
.html inserted to the database
Template system_modules_confirm.html recompiled
  Template system_modules_result
.html inserted to the database
Template system_modules_result.html recompiled
  Template system_avatars
.html inserted to the database
Template system_avatars.html recompiled
  Template system_smilies
.html inserted to the database
Template system_smilies.html recompiled
  Template system_blocks
.html inserted to the database
Template system_blocks.html recompiled
  Template system_blocks_item
.html inserted to the database
Template system_blocks_item.html recompiled
  Template system_comments
.html inserted to the database
Template system_comments.html recompiled
  Template system_comments_list
.html inserted to the database
Template system_comments_list.html recompiled
  Template system_userrank
.html inserted to the database
Template system_userrank.html recompiled
  Template system_users
.html inserted to the database
Template system_users.html recompiled
  Template system_preferences
.html inserted to the database
Template system_preferences.html recompiled
  Template system_mailusers
.html inserted to the database
Template system_mailusers.html recompiled
  Template system_groups
.html inserted to the database
Template system_groups.html recompiled
  Template system_images
.html inserted to the database
Template system_images.html recompiled
  Template system_templates
.html inserted to the database
Template system_templates.html recompiled
  Template system_filemanager
.html inserted to the database
Template system_filemanager.html recompiled
  Template system_index
.html inserted to the database
Template system_index.html recompiled
  Template system_maintenance
.html inserted to the database
Template system_maintenance.html recompiled
  Template system_help
.html inserted to the database
Template system_help.html recompiled
Rebuilding blocks
Block User Menu updatedBlock ID
  Template system_block_user
.html updated
Template system_block_user.html recompiled
  Block Login updated
Block ID
  Template system_block_login
.html updated
Template system_block_login.html recompiled
  Block Search updated
Block ID
  Template system_block_search
.html updated
Template system_block_search.html recompiled
  Block Waiting Contents updated
Block ID
  Template system_block_waiting
.html updated
Template system_block_waiting.html recompiled
  Block Main Menu updated
Block ID
  Template system_block_mainmenu
.html updated
Template system_block_mainmenu.html recompiled
  Block Site Info updated
Block ID
  Template system_block_siteinfo
.html updated
Template system_block_siteinfo.html recompiled
  Block Who is Online updated
Block ID
  Template system_block_online
.html updated
Template system_block_online.html recompiled
  Block Top Posters updated
Block ID
  Template system_block_topusers
.html updated
Template system_block_topusers.html recompiled
New Members updatedBlock ID
  Template system_block_newusers
.html updated
Template system_block_newusers.html recompiled
  Block Recent Comments updated
Block ID10 
  Template system_block_comments
.html updated
Template system_block_comments.html recompiled
  Block Notification Options updated
Block ID11 
  Template system_block_notification
.html updated
Template system_block_notification.html recompiled
  Block Themes updated
Block ID12 
  Template system_block_themes
.html updated
Template system_block_themes.html recompiled
Deleting module config options
Config data deleted from the databaseConfig ID166
  Config data deleted from the database
Config ID167
  Config data deleted from the database
Config ID168
  Config data deleted from the database
Config ID169
  Config data deleted from the database
Config ID170
  Config data deleted from the database
Config ID171
  Config data deleted from the database
Config ID172
  Config data deleted from the database
Config ID173
  Config data deleted from the database
Config ID174
  Config data deleted from the database
Config ID175
  Config data deleted from the database
Config ID176
  Config data deleted from the database
Config ID177
  Config data deleted from the database
Config ID178
  Config data deleted from the database
Config ID179
  Config data deleted from the database
Config ID180
  Config data deleted from the database
Config ID181
  Config data deleted from the database
Config ID182
  Config data deleted from the database
Config ID183
  Config data deleted from the database
Config ID184
  Config data deleted from the database
Config ID185
  Config data deleted from the database
Config ID186
  Config data deleted from the database
Config ID187
  Config data deleted from the database
Config ID188
  Config data deleted from the database
Config ID189
  Config data deleted from the database
Config ID190
  Config data deleted from the database
Config ID191
  Config data deleted from the database
Config ID192
  Config data deleted from the database
Config ID193
  Config data deleted from the database
Config ID194
  Config data deleted from the database
Config ID195
  Config data deleted from the database
Config ID196
  Config data deleted from the database
Config ID197
  Config data deleted from the database
Config ID198
  Config data deleted from the database
Config ID199
  Config data deleted from the database
Config ID200
  Config data deleted from the database
Config ID201
Adding module config data
Config break1 added to the database
   Config usetips added to the database
   Config typeicons added to the database
     Config option added Name
: default Value: default 
Config typebreadcrumb added to the database
     Config option added Name
: default Value: default 
Config jquery_theme added to the database
     Config option added Name
base Valuebase 
     Config option added Name
cupertino Valuecupertino 
     Config option added Name
redmond Valueredmond 
     Config option added Name
smoothness Valuesmoothness 
     Config option added Name
south-street Valuesouth-street 
     Config option added Name
ui-darkness Valueui-darkness 
     Config option added Name
ui-lightness Valueui-lightness 
   Config break2 added to the database
   Config active_avatars added to the database
   Config active_banners added to the database
   Config active_blocksadmin added to the database
   Config active_comments added to the database
   Config active_filemanager added to the database
   Config active_groups added to the database
   Config active_images added to the database
   Config active_mailusers added to the database
   Config active_maintenance added to the database
   Config active_modulesadmin added to the database
   Config active_preferences added to the database
   Config active_smilies added to the database
   Config active_tplsets added to the database
   Config active_userrank added to the database
   Config active_users added to the database
   Config break3 added to the database
   Config avatars_pager added to the database
   Config banners_pager added to the database
   Config comments_pager added to the database
   Config groups_pager added to the database
   Config images_pager added to the database
   Config smilies_pager added to the database
   Config userranks_pager added to the database
   Config users_pager added to the database
   Config break4 added to the database
   Config blocks_editor added to the database
     Config option added Name
dhtmltextarea Valuedhtmltextarea 
     Config option added Name
textarea Valuetextarea 
     Config option added Name
tinymce Valuetinymce 
   Config comments_editor added to the database
     Config option added Name
dhtmltextarea Valuedhtmltextarea 
     Config option added Name
textarea Valuetextarea 
     Config option added Name
tinymce Valuetinymce 
   Config general_editor added to the database
     Config option added Name
dhtmltextarea Valuedhtmltextarea 
     Config option added Name
textarea Valuetextarea 
     Config option added Name
tinymce Valuetinymce 
   Config redirect added to the database
   Config com_anonpost added to the database
Failed to execute xoops_module_update_system

Module System updated successfully

When updating the mymenus I didn't get any errors in the log. Sorry, my mistake.

Still I have white page if I make mymenus vidible in block handler.

Module data updated.
Rebuilding blocks...
Block Menu block updatedBlock ID24 
  Template mymenus_block
.html updated
Template mymenus_block.html recompiled
  Block Menu block updated
Block ID26 
  Template mymenus_block
.html updated
Template mymenus_block.html recompiled
  Block Menu block updated
Block ID27 
  Template mymenus_block
.html updated
Template mymenus_block.html recompiled
Deleting module config options
Config data deleted from the databaseConfig ID332
Adding module config data
Config assign_method added to the database
     Config option added Name
XoopsTpl Valuexoopstpl 
     Config option added Name
XoTheme Valuexotheme 
xoops_module_update_mymenus executed successfully

Module My menus updated successfully.

My test system:

XOOPS Version XOOPS 2.5.7_RC1
PHP Version 5.3.28
mySQL Version 5.1.73-1
Server API cgi-fcgi
OS Linux
safe_mode Off
register_globals Off
magic_quotes_gpc Off
allow_url_fopen On
fsockopen On
post_max_size 96M
max_input_time 60
max_execution_time 50
memory_limit 128M
file_uploads On
upload_max_filesize 96M

Did I something wrong?

Update: 2014-06-25 kl 17:00

If I disable mymenus from the block handler. Then the home page shows up again. I can't go to the block handler and edit the menu block. If I click on edit the home page become white again.

Best Regards

Re: MyMenus Module with Drag & Drop (1.50 Beta 1)
  • 2014/6/24 16:55


  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 189

  • Since: 2004/12/12

hmmm. :) Thanks. :)

Best Regards

Re: MyMenus Module with Drag & Drop (1.50 Beta 1)
  • 2014/6/23 18:18


  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 189

  • Since: 2004/12/12


Is there a way to add sub menus?

Installed this version: XOOPS2.5_mod_mymenus_1.50_Beta2_xoops

Best Regards

Re: Problems when editing a Mastop Publish article
  • 2014/6/23 17:43


  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 189

  • Since: 2004/12/12

Okey. Thanks. Will test that.

Best Regards

Re: Problems when editing a Mastop Publish article
  • 2014/6/22 12:52


  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 189

  • Since: 2004/12/12

Okey. I have installed the publisher module.

Mastop publisher had a menu block. Can I add articles to the menu from publisher or do I have to add someother module for that?

Best Regards

Re: Problems when editing a Mastop Publish article
  • 2014/6/22 9:16


  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 189

  • Since: 2004/12/12


Could this changes fix the problems that I have?

Best Regards

Re: Problems when editing a Mastop Publish article
  • 2014/6/21 12:22


  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 189

  • Since: 2004/12/12


I have now changed the language to english and the error list is 0 now.

It show 16 deprecated:

'Database::getInstance();' is deprecated since XOOPS 2.5.4please use 'XoopsDatabaseFactory::getDatabaseConnection();' instead.
'/class/xoopsobject.php' is deprecated since XOOPS 2.5.4please use 'kernel/object.php' instead.
'/class/mimetypes.inc.php' is deprecated, use '/include/mimetypes.inc.php' directly.
'/class/mimetypes.inc.php' is deprecated, use '/include/mimetypes.inc.php' directly.
'Database::getInstance();' is deprecated since XOOPS 2.5.4please use 'XoopsDatabaseFactory::getDatabaseConnection();' instead.
'Database::getInstance();' is deprecated since XOOPS 2.5.4please use 'XoopsDatabaseFactory::getDatabaseConnection();' instead.
'Database::getInstance();' is deprecated since XOOPS 2.5.4please use 'XoopsDatabaseFactory::getDatabaseConnection();' instead.
'Database::getInstance();' is deprecated since XOOPS 2.5.4please use 'XoopsDatabaseFactory::getDatabaseConnection();' instead.
'Database::getInstance();' is deprecated since XOOPS 2.5.4please use 'XoopsDatabaseFactory::getDatabaseConnection();' instead.
'Database::getInstance();' is deprecated since XOOPS 2.5.4please use 'XoopsDatabaseFactory::getDatabaseConnection();' instead.
'Database::getInstance();' is deprecated since XOOPS 2.5.4please use 'XoopsDatabaseFactory::getDatabaseConnection();' instead.
'Database::getInstance();' is deprecated since XOOPS 2.5.4please use 'XoopsDatabaseFactory::getDatabaseConnection();' instead.
'Database::getInstance();' is deprecated since XOOPS 2.5.4please use 'XoopsDatabaseFactory::getDatabaseConnection();' instead.
'Database::getInstance();' is deprecated since XOOPS 2.5.4please use 'XoopsDatabaseFactory::getDatabaseConnection();' instead.
'Database::getInstance();' is deprecated since XOOPS 2.5.4please use 'XoopsDatabaseFactory::getDatabaseConnection();' instead.
'Database::getInstance();' is deprecated since XOOPS 2.5.4please use 'XoopsDatabaseFactory::getDatabaseConnection();' instead.

Is there a way to get rid of this messages?

does it have anything to do that the module is a bit old?

best regards

Re: Problems when editing a Mastop Publish article
  • 2014/6/18 19:08


  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 189

  • Since: 2004/12/12

Have done some more testing.

If I write a few word and post, then it works.

If I write some more words, then I get the error.


Årets bana ser olika ut beroende på vilken klass de tävlande kör i, men de rör sig inom samma område.

Classic Offshore startar i Norrtälje kl. 09:00 och kör eksader (uppvisning) ut genom Norrtäljeviken, visar upp sig i Gräddö för att sedan ta sig vidare till Flottskär. Deras tävlingsmoment startar i och med omstarten vid Tomta brygga i Väddöviken.

Didn't work:

Årets bana ser olika ut beroende på vilken klass de tävlande kör i, men de rör sig inom samma område.

Classic Offshore startar i Norrtälje kl. 09:00 och kör eksader (uppvisning) ut genom Norrtäljeviken, visar upp sig i Gräddö för att sedan ta sig vidare till Flottskär. Deras tävlingsmoment startar i och med omstarten vid Tomta brygga i Väddöviken.

Övriga båtar startar mellan 10:00 - ca. 10:40 från Tjocköfjärden in mot Gräddö.

Södra delen:

Bra publikplatser är: Norrtälje (Sjösättningen sker här för alla båtar samt start för Classic Offshore), Gräddö och Harö brygga (Björköfjärden).

Under transportsträckan stannar alla båtar till i Älmsta vid parken (nedanför möbelaffären) för att hämta bränsle. Här kommer även Micke Blum att finnas på plats för att interjuva de tävlande och publik. Älmsta köpmannaförening arrangerar detta.

Norra delen:

(1) 2 3 4 ... 19 »


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