Re: Referal Logs not showing banner links?
  • 2005/2/28 12:35

  • zcreem

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 34

  • Since: 2004/9/2 8

No I am not using the HTML option just a logo graphic which is on my server.
Is this a problem for the logs, I don't see why.

Re: Referal Logs not showing banner links?
  • 2005/2/8 12:03

  • zcreem

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 34

  • Since: 2004/9/2 8

Come on guys I need your help on this one, I am the only one with this problem?

Referal Logs not showing banner links?
  • 2005/2/5 14:18

  • zcreem

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 34

  • Since: 2004/9/2 8

I have a couple of sites, more on the way hence the question, that link through the standard XOOPS banner ads.

My problem is the referals are not appearing in the clients logs, normal links are fine, just the banners.

Any ideas, or anyone else having this, I never had access to my clients logs until recently and was shocked to see that although they had recieved over 300 clicks not once did I appear in their logs, ouch!

Re:How can I beat my competitors? I've tried cunning, and that hasn't worked!
  • 2004/10/26 9:35

  • zcreem

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 34

  • Since: 2004/9/2 8

That's right the easiest way is to open the sites front page in your browser and press alt+print to make a snapshot copy to the clipboard.
Then in Photoshop press ctrl+N to create a new PS document the same size as the screen shot, I just hit Enter next (as I dont save the PSD file after), then ctrl+V to paste into the image.
Now select the crop tool and in the tool bar at the top set the width to 140px (or whatever width you prefer) and crop to the site image, press enter and presto you have a thumbnail of 140px wide (don't enter a height as well as width or it will change the images proportions).
I then sharpen the image a little using the custom filter tool, you could use the unsharp mask, and finally save for web I use 8bit PNGs but gif or jpeg are also fine.

Upload this thumb to your images/shots folder under mylinks and las of all select it as the links image.
I hope to get some time in the near future to do some articles for Web Graphics, but I am a little preoccupied at the moment.
By the how is the weather in the peaks at the moment?
All the best Mark.

Re:How can I beat my competitors? I've tried cunning, and that hasn't worked!
  • 2004/10/25 20:12

  • zcreem

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 34

  • Since: 2004/9/2 8

Glad to be of help Ted, and thanks for the nice comments on the site it is so nice to get positive feed back.
As for the graphics sorry I don't know of a automated system for xoops, I create all my logos by hand in Photoshop using some style layers and then save for web.
If you have Photoshop it is fairly straight forward many styles come with PS installed and you can download more from various web sites. If you dont have PS I guess you can still achieve the effects but I can't say how, bit of a PS freek you see

Re:interesting article
  • 2004/10/25 9:23

  • zcreem

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 34

  • Since: 2004/9/2 8

That makes sense, I like the fact that XOOPS allows or hides the membership side of things a little, I am a little troubled by the need to offer an open site that allows casual visitors and of course the Bots access to information but limits the interactive side of the site to registered users, I don't wish to reward one set of users by penalising another, cleary XOOPS has it's roots in on line communities (gaming it seems) but I thinks it has become much more and capable of a lot more.
The basic functionality is there, we just need a little more though in future usews for the system.
My need was clear and it fills most of my sites requirements and those it is a little lacking in I intended to try and fill.

Re:interesting article
  • 2004/10/25 8:35

  • zcreem

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 34

  • Since: 2004/9/2 8

The article is interesting and raises a few points although in a very simplistic idealistic way, what he is asking for is a cake and eat it, but as I said idealistic.
One thing I did like and it is something thathas bothered me a little is Quote:
Users of a public web site should never -- never -- be presented with a way to log into the CMS.

now I moved my login block right down in the page, but it still seems intrusive, but I want people to regiter eventually to allow forum participation, I am not so green as to offer the world a free soap box, so I need a login maybe I just need a link to the login or an icon or or .... ant thoughts on this.

Re:interesting article
  • 2004/10/25 8:26

  • zcreem

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 34

  • Since: 2004/9/2 8

Thanks for that I thought at first I was going mad, well of course I am but that is between you and me

Re:How can I beat my competitors? I've tried cunning, and that hasn't worked!
  • 2004/10/25 8:18

  • zcreem

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 34

  • Since: 2004/9/2 8

Hi Ted,
I would caution against to much faith in web rings, the guys behind gooooogle aren't slow sometimes these are seen as click farms and are actually detrimental to your cause, a key is to get links out that contain a description of the site not just the address. The more text in the link the better and the higher the site's PR (Pidgeon Rating) it is displayed on the better, a link from the BBC would knock you ratings through the roof, so an article on newsround would be a great idea.

We have a community based magazine site here in Roquetas de Mar The Roquetas Orange Pages and it has a link sections that includes a lot of local regional and national public service links, I have taken the liberty to add a UK Links section and placed your organisation in there, I hope it helps, there is also a link to the local dogs home which does great work finding homes for lost spanish dogs in UK and Germany.

My best tip is treat the Web as a web and link and link and ... the more interesting your site is and the more links you have the better your chances, you need back links of course and now you have at least one more, and of course in the spirit of the web please feel free to reciprocate.

Re:interesting article
  • 2004/10/25 8:16

  • zcreem

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 34

  • Since: 2004/9/2 8

OK now this isn't funny the forum is replying in the wrong article and twice, don't shoot me shoot the machine.

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