Re: PayPal module
  • 2004/9/11 17:34

  • PayPalNuke

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 6

  • Since: 2004/8/26

Any news on the port..? I have a few people breathing down my neck right now.. ;-p

Re: Pay Pal - Part II
  • 2004/9/5 10:46

  • PayPalNuke

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 6

  • Since: 2004/8/26

That site is dead. But, good news !

I have a Paypal module very well developed, it is made to work with the subscription features of Nuke 7.1+. Someone is right now porting it to Xoops, we of course will annonce it when it is ready.
Here is the link to my site.


Re: PayPal module
  • 2004/8/29 12:20

  • PayPalNuke

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 6

  • Since: 2004/8/26

Well, I thank both of you for the nice words. But I do have something to admit, I am Maurice, not Alexandre. Alexandre is my son, he is 20 months old..... Here is his picture :

And here are his parents ! We create site together...

My websites are in his name, not mine. Thats another story.. ;-p

The picture is on my site http://www.counter-strike.com.fr, which is now where the Counter-Maps site goes to. I had to stop the developpement of the maps installer, keeping up over 15 gigas of files become too much of a problem, for the lack of money by donations.... (Thats why I created my pay modules) But I dod not offer the code elsewhere, that is not cool. Right ?

And I thanks you for understanding my point on the ownership of the module. I have been very lucky, most of the people who have purchased my work like it, and have recieved the help they needed to get it to work. In some cases, much more than the 35 € price they paid.....

Internet is a strange place. Everyone asumes everything is free. I spend over 300 dollars a month for a server, not counting the time I spend. And I am not Madonna, when you exchange my MP3's, it really does hurt me. This module is all I have right now. And like I said, the price to pay is not "just" for the module. It is also for my help. And I hope and pray that my time is worth something....

The offer stands. You have my mail, its on my site. Contact me, so we can get this module going. Oh, did I mention that I am going to cut the price after it is online? I am creating another version right now, for Stormpay. Which will work in all the other countrys in the world, that can't use PayPal.

Thanks for understanding, and thanks for helping me. I don't forget my friends, right bd_csmc ?

Re: PayPal module
  • 2004/8/28 11:29

  • PayPalNuke

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 6

  • Since: 2004/8/26

Well, if you talked to anyone, it was me. It's my creation, my site. And no, it is not released as GPL, it is pay module for a pay program so people can get paid.

And bd_csmc, it would be my pleasure to send you the module. Do you remember who I am ? http://www.counter-maps.com. We worked together already on your map installer. It is in big part because of the dicutions we had together about the fact that offering 20 gigas of maps for free, and the users not wanting to pay, that I developped he module http://www.allonuke.com. And then developped the payPal version. ChadK :
I would bet it's just a hack of another module, and if so, it's GPL. Though, if it IS GPL it should have GPL stamped all over it.. so you would know right away. His site doesn't mention the license so I don't know.

It is my creation, is that so hard to accept ? Wanna get nitty gritty ? I don't "sell" the module, I sell the TECHNOLOGY and the SALES HELP behind it. as well as the distribution. None of the people who purchased it have a problem. One member has made almost ten thousand dollars with it. I made 35.

bd_csmc, I remember you as a good and honest guy, I hope you have the same memory of me ! Send me a mail, I'll send you the module to port.

And Arowana, I'll tell you what. Once bd_csmc has ported it, I'll send you a copy to beta test with us. I like nuke, I will be unable to test. But if you help me, I'll help you.

Sound like a deal ? Contact me then :
seventys at cybercafe.fr

Re: PayPal module
  • 2004/8/26 12:47

  • PayPalNuke

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 6

  • Since: 2004/8/26

Arowana, I am the person who sells the PayPal module on the website http://www.paypalnuke.com. I never gave you permission to offer my module for free to others... The license you get when you purchase the module is for YOUR personal use, on as many of YOUR sites as you wish. In no way shape or form did I ever authorise you to offer it for free....

Be cool, I am just a poor guy trying to develope a pay module, so I can make some money. It is my ONLY revenue, ok ?

I am not against porting it to Xoops, if there is a market for it. I have already ported it to CPGNuke, works great. If there are any good XOOPS people here who can explain to me the differences with Nuke, it would be my pleasure to port it. If someone wants and CAN help, he can of course get the final version free.

Please be cool with my module, like I said, it is right now my only income....



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