Re: Xoops Hosting Forum Launched
  • 2004/5/12 14:30

  • mchern

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 1

  • Since: 2004/5/12

I've been with iPowerWeb for a while, but thinking to change them. XOOPS works fine and the XoopsGalery with NetPbm installs correctly.

The only problem with them is a down time, I found my site down on a weekly basis, thinking about setup some tracking script to figureoout the actual down time.

I start testing other providers for my new site ,and eventulay moving from iPowerWeb.

I setup account with 1and1.com - 4.99$ basic hosting - suxxx
even so they display on the first page that basic plan has MySql and Php/Cgi configuration in the Control Panel.
THEY ARE NOT, yep read this linux hosting (500Mb) with disabled php cgi and mysql. Business package is $9.99 and it is more them iPowerWeb for less features - don't worth it.

Most of all now I have to wait for the 60 days till they release my domain name, becuase of some kind of regulations they have... bla bla..

Moved it to the ehostpros.com 2.99$ month + 12$ for the domain transfer. Looks good from the first look,
but once I started to configure XoopsGalery I found out
they allow only perl script in your cgi-bin - and they actually prevent you of running NetPbm or any other linux binaries due to the "Various Issues" another bull..

If some one know reliable XOOPS hosting 200Mb+ under 5$
please advise.

Reliable means good uptime and prompt customer support not next few days...



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