Re: 2 New Themes for Xoop Peepers!
  • 2004/4/10 16:32

  • zarron

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 6

  • Since: 2004/4/8 1

Firstly I would like to appologise, several of you have mentioned using PM instead of a live forum and you are right. My diplomacy could have been better.
I am not here seeking attention. I came here with a legitimate dispute, seeking a solution and for this I got insults, requests to prove my claim, swearing and other abuse.

What I do find disturbing is the complete lack of guilt and the arrogence from several of the posts. This person thinks she has done nothing wrong.

She wrote on her own forum:
Actually.... I never downloaded any theme. So i guess it can't actually be called a "convert".
The site i looked at had no "credit" displayed -
FYI, i dont download themes when i make them..., i look at them then and try to adapt them to a xoop based theme.
To be bound to his/her agreement, wouldnt i have had to found the package somewhere and agree to it?
And as far as the credit... i gave as much credit as i knew. I specifically indicated the names of the themes - that was as much as i knew.

That's ok, after reading that little temper tamptrum he threw, I'm just changing them so it wont be a convert anymore..... sheesh

It is irrelivent which theme(s), artwork or who made them that are being discussed. She deliberately saw something she liked and did her best to copy it. As I have said, by looking at the screenshots, it is more than the logo. There are other graphics used/copied/duplicated etc in those themes. There is no mention in her post advertising the themes that she saw them someplace else.

Many of you think my claims are stupid.
what would you think if you had duplicated a load of Disney artwork and they had you in court in under an hour? Would that be okay? Would you insult them? Would you think their claims were stupid? Or is that okay because they are a large corporation and I am just a crappy web designer?

As I have said on two occasions, I have no problem with people converting themes, providing they inform us. We request this for numerous reasons including;
1. It might already be in progress by someone else.
2. We can provide original files to help the creation.
3. Quality control - Bad work reflects on us.

As someone said Copyright enfringements are the way of life on the "WEB"
That may be true but it doesn't mean its legal or acceptable, and why should it be?

The simple solution to all this is to make your own original themes, not see something you like and copy/duplicate/steal it. If you want to do proper conversions then contact me and I will be happy to help you in anyway I can.

Re: 2 New Themes for Xoop Peepers!
  • 2004/4/10 13:14

  • zarron

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 6

  • Since: 2004/4/8 1


This agressive "invader" is bringing some of the well known nukey forum "nastyness" into Xoops. These are friendly forums--notice he just joined to give himself some credit? He is just making a damn fool of himself.

Yes I did join to give myself credit, as none was given. I haven't brought any nastiness to this place. You are the ones that have done the insulting and swearing, not me.


I am generally quite cool, but can't stand schoolgirl bullies, sitting safe behind their cowardly screens. I am ashamed he is from UK. You have given yourself no credit here.

I don't care if someone is a schoolgirl or president, that point is irrelivent.
I came here and asked for appropriate changes to be made. Is that bullying? no.


Go on post again asshole, we know you will..you can't help it. Was that good enough English for you?

You obviously can't read as I also mentioned "without insults". I haven't insulted anyone on here, why do you feel that you have to? As I recall, no one asked for your opinion, if you can't post anything relevent why bother?


You started right out the gate making accusations.You might read the very first post (*my Spam*)
Credit was given. (now edited and cut of course)

And when did you remove this credit? I have never seen it. You kept saying you didn't know who made it? Are you now saying you did know? All you have written is that you knew what the themes were called. That isn't giving cedit?
This is what you have written:

I've done 2 themes for the XOOPS Peepers! Here's what they look like. (I'm posting examples rather than make you run off the forums to go peek at them )
...Thanks Tabasco! Hope you get to use it!
...Thanks HughG! (and thanks for the help on them!)
...Thanks wcrwcr!...

I may be wrong but that looks like you are taking credit for two themes that are based on/copied/whatever work by someone else. I don't see anything that says "I saw these on a site" or "I converted this" or "these are based on..".


I guess I should of said something along the lines as the logo image of this theme conversion was done by (insert theme name here)

Try logo, navigation background, table header cell background, table footer cell background. And this is all I can see from the screenshots.
As I said before I havent seen it in action so I don't know if there is even more.

Questions (again):
What do you think gives you the right to assume you can duplicate someone elses work and call it your own?

How would you feel if someone did that to you?

Re: 2 New Themes for Xoop Peepers!
  • 2004/4/9 21:23

  • zarron

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 6

  • Since: 2004/4/8 1


Stewdio - thanks for reminding/pointing out that I did give credit. It's not like I stood up on the Pillar of Pooron and claimed the work as an original.

There was no credit given on this site where you spammed my work. what you actually wrote was:
I've done 2 themes for the XOOPS Peepers! Here's what they look like.


He could of saved alot of waaaah'n if he would have just popped in, said, "hey, that's mine - could you do this or that..." I would have (gladly) done it. Moot now.....

err, read my post again - that is exactly what I posted.


Well, Pooron doesn't have anything to waaah about now so maybe he'll just fade and this whole thing can be chalked up to a great learning experience! (use words like "interpretation" vs "conversion")

I guess you think writing like a retard and insulting people is funny and I'm happy that you find this whole thing amusing.
You seem to have the idea that I am being hostile but that is far from the truth. My posts have been concise and to the point because I don't want to make idle conversation with you.
I pointed out the issue and solution in my fist post, my second post contained references to proof that the themes were created by me.
You seem to think this is a joke but I have to deal with this crap all the time.

What do you think gives you the right to assume you can duplicate someone elses work and call it your own?

How would you feel if someone did that to you?

If you do respond to this please try to write in E-n-g-l-i-s-h without insults please

Re: 2 New Themes for Xoop Peepers!
  • 2004/4/9 17:23

  • zarron

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 6

  • Since: 2004/4/8 1


If an author of a theme you grab from somwhere doen't properly include credits, it's not your fault that the original author isn't noted and you did try to let people know of that fact.

I ALWAYS include credits - Don't blame me if some script kiddie decides to remove them and pretend that they made the work.


Saying that she didn't do enough research is irrelevant

Of course it isn't. If you are going to copy a theme, know what its called and want to be upfront and honest about it, you would find out more info - this information is VERY easy to find.


Beside, what are you going to do, take her to court. Relax and have a twinkie!

Despite what you might think, this is considered a legal issue - its copyright theft and yes it could be taken to court, or at the very least have the website offering the material removed.

What you people have to understand is that this is a product and carries my name. I therefore have to maintain a level of quality. If someone decides they will convert my work and its garbage it will come back to me.

Re: 2 New Themes for Xoop Peepers!
  • 2004/4/9 10:58

  • zarron

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 6

  • Since: 2004/4/8 1

First point: We are talking about 2 themes here.
AirHead and Boyz. If you visit phpbb.com and look at their styles demo you will see that both of these themes are mine: http://www.phpbb.com/styles/demo.php

Nukecops.com converted the themes for nuke with my permission:

Second point: It is your responsibility to find out who made a theme you are going to rip off/duplicate. Lets be honest, the fact that you say there was no copyright info on the site you got it from is irrelivent - you stole both of the designs anyway, I doubt that if there was copyright info you wouldn't have copied them regardless.

You say you know what the themes names were, so why didn't you do a google search to find out more info? There are a lot of links that prove they are my themes.

Third point: Whether you downloaded the theme or stole it, you are still bound by the copyright agreement

The original copyright says:

The original "AirHead" theme for phpBB 2.
Author: Zarron Media
Web: http://www.zarron.com
AirHead is a theme for phpBB 2.0.x
This package contains only images for the english language.
I have spent a long time creating this theme, and I do NOT want other people to change, borrow or steal what I have done.
If this happens there will be no more free themes.
This theme is not for modifying in any way other than putting your own info into the header.
It is not to be converted to any other script theme - like phpnuke, postnuke etc.
Please Do not do this without permission from zarron first.

Please do not disribute this theme without this file information.

Copy the directory 'AirHead' and all it's sub-directories to your phpBB2 templates/ directory.
Start your web browser and go to the phpBB 2.0.x Administration Panel.
Click Style Admin / Add.
You will see a list of available styles.
Click Install AirHead.
Click General Admin / Configuration and select AirHead as Default Style.
If all registered users should use the AirHead style, then click the Yes button in the
Override user style row.
Otherwise you must edit your user profile.
Then click the Submit button at the bottom of the General Configuration page.

Inside this zip you will find an extra file "logo_blank" this file is for you to put your own logo/slogan on the header.

phpBB is Copyright © 2001 phpBB Group.
The AirHead template is copyright Zarron Media - All images and code is never to be used without permission from Zarron Media.
Do not sell, re-distribute or give away this theme.


The original "Boyz" theme for phpBB 2.
Author: Zarron Media
Web: http://www.zarron.com
Boyz is a theme for phpBB 2.0.x
This package contains only images for the english language.
I have spent a long time creating this theme, and I do NOT want other people to change, borrow or steal what I have done.
If this happens there will be no more free themes.
It is not to be converted to any other script theme - like phpnuke, postnuke etc.
Please Do not do this without permission from zarron first.
Please do not remove my link at the bottom.

Please do not disribute this theme without this file information.

Copy the directory 'Boyz' and all it's sub-directories to your phpBB2 templates/ directory.
Start your web browser and go to the phpBB 2.0.x Administration Panel.
Click Style Admin / Add.
You will see a list of available styles.
Click Install Boyz.
Click General Admin / Configuration and select Boyz as Default Style.
If all registered users should use the Boyz style, then click the Yes button in the
Override user style row.
Otherwise you must edit your user profile.
Then click the Submit button at the bottom of the General Configuration page.

Inside this zip you will find an extra file "logo_blank" this file is for you to put your own logo/slogan on the header.

phpBB is Copyright © 2001 phpBB Group.
The Boyz template is copyright Zarron Media - All images and code is never to be used without
permission from Zarron Media.

Do not sell, re-distribute or give away this theme.

As I stated previously, I have no problem with others doing conversions provided they get permission and do a decent job.
At the very least these themes should contain the following in the footer:
Airhead theme by Zarron Media 2003 and Boyz theme by Zarron Media 2003
The zarron media should be linked to http://www.zarron.com

Re: 2 New Themes for Xoop Peepers!
  • 2004/4/8 19:52

  • zarron

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 6

  • Since: 2004/4/8 1

I guess you feel good taking credit for other peoples work?
When you downloaded my themes you were bound by my agreement which states:

I would like to convert your style for another script, can I?

Yes you can, providing you let us know before you start as there may be someone already doing it.
We have no objection to others converting our styles, providing they do a good job and make it look as close as possible to the original.
You may also place your own link on the style. An example is: "zzz theme by zarron media converted by: xxx"

1. You never contacted us.
2. The header isn't the same.
3. I "hope" the original copyright is at the bottom, with the link intact - otherwise this is breaking the T&C of use. I currently don't know about this as I haven't seen it in action.

I hope you will take note of this and make any needed changes straight away.



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