Re: Mx-directory - input welcome
  • 2006/1/20 21:52

  • danMAN

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  • Posts: 41

  • Since: 2004/3/13


Thanks, I'm shooting any loot/booty/donated farm animals, etc. straight to XOOPS and accepting nothing but karma units for my works on this.


This sounds to me like guild wars or something. Any of you guys play WoW?

Re: Mx-directory - input welcome
  • 2006/1/20 21:49

  • danMAN

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  • Posts: 41

  • Since: 2004/3/13


tripmon wrote:
The reporting can all be done pretty easily via PHPMA and would take alot of coding to do what you can do in myadmin in 10 seconds with a single SQL querry... hows abouts I write you some nice querries and leave this out of the module?

That's good enough for me. But I think that the expanded listing of listings in the back end, especially the modified listings, is not the way to go. Just with the test site we had like thirty of modified listing submissions in one day, and going through them trying to locate one single listing by scrolling down was a bit awkward. Vastly better I think to at least have a colapsed listing (one line each) like this:
id159..Business one..date of submit..premium change NO
id232..Business two..date of submit..premium change YES
id22..Business three..date of submit..premium change NO
and so on
Of course, when the admin opens one and approves or not-aproves, the listing then dissappears from the list.
Do you think at least this bit can be done? It would make back-end management of listings so much easier!

The formatting form for singlelink.php... again way more effort than I can possibly see return for. Once again I would rather help you customize than spend 15 hours building into the module what I can do in 2 minutes vis css.

That's cool. If you could do that (and perhaps comment in the file where you change things) that would do me :)


Summarizing; you would be able to get the results you intended , via a method other than including this functionality in the module itself.


methinks that's ok, too, though it would be a nice functionality for later versions perhaps?

A warning: One of the things which you would have some fun with is cleaning up the stuff which my coder left me with.

Now, would you like cpanel and admin access to the test site (that way you can judge what you need to download etc as it is a mess), or do you want the whole thing emailed to you as an attachment?

Many thanks

Re: Mx-directory - input welcome
  • 2006/1/19 13:07

  • danMAN

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  • Posts: 41

  • Since: 2004/3/13


tripmon wrote:
I decided you would gimme the code.

Post your feature requests & target dates so I have some idea of your desired scope and timeline.

Great! Here's what the directory does now:

- Changed main listing page (singlelink)
- The listing's id appears on the main listing page

Allows the owner of a premium listing to upload, depending on the type of listing (in my case I only have two premium
listings + the free one), the following:
- Upload logo (appears on small listings, main listing page, and coupon)
- Upload one main image to the main listing page
- Upload image files to a small gallery on main listing page
- Generates thumbnail images for the gallery images which appear on the main listing page
- Allows the owner to upload short captions for the thumbnails
- Upload files (doc, txt, pdf, etc) and places links on the main listing to them
- The admin can change size and type of files which can be uploaded, and nominate number of files which can be uploaded
under each of the premium listings
- When requesting an update to a premium listing, there appears a form which asks the user to fill in an invoicing address (this is necessary for some of us that do not wish to use Paypal, CC, or any online payment facilities)
- Upon submitting a request for upgrade to premium listing, the submitter is asked to read the TOS and acknowledge them when submitting (I am pretty sure that this works for new listing submission as well, but if it doesn't it needs to be
- Upon submitting a new lsiting, a captcha script is triggered presenting the user with a code they must enter
- An acknowledgement email is automatically sent to the submitter (which includes the listing's id and whatever else the admin wants to add)

- The captcha script is triggered if a visitor uses the listing's email to send a listing's owner an email (the visitor needs to enter a code before the email can be sent)

The coder that did all this for me incorporated other scripts, and the whole thing needs checking and cleaning up.

Here's what I want for the directory to do in addition to the above:
- The admin is able to set the number of characters which the owner of the listing can upload for each type of listing.
- The admin needs a summary of the new listings, and another one for the requests for modifications. Each listing takes
one line in the list, rather than whole pages. Only when the admin wants to check one, the full before and after versions of the listing should become available.
- The module should generate cvs files with details of listings as required. For example, the admin should be able to choose a listing of all the submissions for the past 24hrs, or past week, or past month, year or for the whole time the directory has been in existence. This capacity would be invaluable for the admim whenever he/she requires to generate reports for specific times. So, for example, if I require a listing of all the modifications requested over the past 48 hrs,including listing id, name of owner, address for invoicing, contact phone number, and type of listing, I should be able to generate one by simply using a form in the backend. Furthermore, if I require to have this listing exported to my PC's desktop, I should be able to download it as a cvs file.
- It would be really great if there was a form-based way through which the admin can set up the single link page. For example, the width of the column on left, the background color, the size of font. I realise that this is done through css, but if the single listing page can be linked to its own css file which can be set through the use of a form page in the admin section of the module, that'll be great.

There are a few more things I want, but I am too tired to think of them right now and I need to go to sleep. I'll revisit this after work tomorrow.

I would really love to have a go at testing the module with these features in about two months time.


Re: Mx-directory - input welcome
  • 2006/1/18 22:15

  • danMAN

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 41

  • Since: 2004/3/13


danMAN, sounds as though you have made some nice additions... if you want to donate the code you have to this project, let me know.

More than willing to do so if especially if users will donate something to Xoops, however I would like some priority input over the direction in which it develops in the short term, and also have some secure knowledge that we will have a functioning module quite soon and by a given date. This may sound mercenary, and I know that you have been busy and couldn't complete what you wanted to do to the module. And I honestly respect this without a single quibble - that's how life is :)

However, my problem is that I do need a module that does what I want it to do, and soon. This is why I went and hired a coder. The work I have done up to date is incomplete, but it is going into a certain direction. If I donate the stuff I have invested a lot of money and my time into now, I will have to wait for an indeterminate release time, and then (because it will almost certainly not be what I need) will have to go into a new cycle of finding coders to again modify the module for my needs. If I have to go and do this right now, so be it, but I thought I would ask the community first if it wants to have an input at this stage.

Whatever your decision, thanks for the invite, and also for the excellent work you have done on the module.

Re: Mx-directory - input welcome
  • 2006/1/18 10:23

  • danMAN

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I am sorry but I am not prepared to put up with this nonsense. Mamba you continue to misinterpret what I have to say, and I do find this offensive. I would like an apology, please.

Re: Mx-directory - input welcome
  • 2006/1/17 22:16

  • danMAN

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  • Posts: 41

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"Using somebody for something" has a very negative meaning and that's NOT what was happening here.

Now, I am starting to find this offensive. I have just spent hundreds of dollars on this module, and I am beginning to think that I ought to go elsewhere.

Let me explain for the last time: That's exactly what happened! Again, it is YOUR interpretation of it. In my book (and most other people's) using somoene for something does not necessarily have negative, let alone VERY negative, connotations. For example, your employer uses you to make a profit, when he or she or they sack you because your position has become redundant, that is unfortunate for you and a good decision for them. Just because someone gives something to this community, it doesn't mean that they don't want something back - indeed, this is one of the roles which this community serves as I see it: to give coders an opportunity to test, and use their skills in a multitude of applications testing scenario. Thus, it benefits THEM as well as the community. That they then leave and go on using their improved/tested coding (and usually the code generated by others) as a core to further development and enhancement of what they want is ok as far as I am concerned. However, it is also ok for the community's members to simply state what has happened and lament the fact that the coder has chosen to not share the code built on what a multitude of others tested for him/her. So please rethink your inappropriate moralistic statements before posting them. If this continues I am simply going to leave as I don't need this bull right now.

Re: Mx-directory - input welcome
  • 2006/1/17 9:29

  • danMAN

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  • Posts: 41

  • Since: 2004/3/13


It's not that way you think. He is the author of the xdirectory, so actually you're using his code that he donated to the community. If he decided to move into a different direction with the code, we need to respect it. It's up to us to improve on his original code. I absolutely appreciate your efforts and your willingness to move with the code to the next level.

I agree with you wholeheartedly, and indeed respect the decisions of coders to 'move on'. I didn't mean it like you understood it :) It was simply a statement of fact. He gave, he used the community for testing, then he (unfortunately for us) left it at that and modified the directory for his own use. Nothing wrong with that - as I said previously I am inspired by his excellent set-up, and wish he shared more of his talent with us - I hope this doesn't come accross as disrespectful, and I certainly don't want to offend anyone.

Re: Mx-directory - input welcome
  • 2006/1/16 21:58

  • danMAN

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Thanks Tz. Yes, I remember looking at them a while back. I even posted some querries back then, on this forum. Some of those issues I think were fixed by the programer working on my version. I simply want the functionalities first, there will be some more bugs for sure, but first things first. What I want is inspired first by folsomliving (the guy does not want to share unfortunately, though I see he used this community to get some help a while back). Secondly, I like many things offered by phpmydirectory.com. Though I am not a programer, I do know what will make a good biz directory. Hope that helps clarify where I am coming from. Thanks again for your help.

Re: Mx-directory - input welcome
  • 2006/1/16 14:04

  • danMAN

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  • Posts: 41

  • Since: 2004/3/13

tzvook wrote:

Looks promising, was it checked under "XOOPS 2.3" alpha ? or are there problems under 2.2.x ?
is the alphabetic order a new one or our solution that support also Hebrew Charset and so....

did you used all those bugs fixes and solution @ the forum in your version ?

Which forum might that be, please?

Sorry, but it hasn't yet been tested on the latest version of xoops. Nor am I worried at this point about hebrew characters (or greek, german, rusky, etc). There seems to be no problems with it under 2.2 - you can check it for yourself, though keep in mind that the test site is not pretty :)

I am simply not experienced or knowledgeable enough to do any of the coding myself, so I paid someone to do it for me. It seems that this person has run out of steam, and is not completing the work. I am simply asking whether people want to lend a hand to finish it and so get a reasonably good and flexible biz directory out there. The end result may not suit everyone, but I think it will be an improvement over what we have at the moment until some of the established XOOPS coders can get around to upgrade the present version?


Re: Mx-directory - input welcome
  • 2006/1/15 21:58

  • danMAN

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  • Posts: 41

  • Since: 2004/3/13

Interesting - to tell you the truth, I didn't get that far. I suspect that that is the case with my setup as well, I need to see it in action when I have more than one category on my test site. However, I don't see this as a bug, just a particular need. As it stands, each category page will have the premium listings up the top (in my case, listed in alpahbetical order)- which is all I want. I think it's not much of a problem, though I am not a php coder, I would say it's a simple if / else line or two of coding ... I am sure someone more skillful would be able to tell you. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

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