Re: System module disapeared
  • 2004/1/30 13:36

  • FroSor

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 3

  • Since: 2004/1/27

Thanx! You have made me a wery happy man!
This one's for you

System module disapeared
  • 2004/1/29 23:32

  • FroSor

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 3

  • Since: 2004/1/27

Resized ImageI must have done something terrible wrong. When adding a user to the webmaster-group, I also magically got rid of the system module in controll panel. Now I am the cind og magician who can make tings dissapear, but have not jet been able to make things reappear, so If anyone can tell me how to swing my wand, and which magical words I have to say to get it back, I would be wery happy.


Re: Modifying Module Blocks Administration details
  • 2004/1/27 16:56

  • FroSor

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 3

  • Since: 2004/1/27

I have simmilar problem with the blocks. I want to have a "welcome block", like the "Welcome to XOOPS official website!" on the top page at xoops.org. The problem is when making a custom block it with no exceptions turns up under the blocks for registerd users, and I want this block to be visible for anonymous users and not members. I could not figure out which fields to manually cange in the DB. Anyone any idea?



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