generation of pages, or from the beginning to the end with smarty
  • 2004/1/13 13:34

  • brojo

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 4

  • Since: 2003/12/18

I want to get an overview, how a page that is requested from a user, is generated in XOOPS. I look up the most things in the wikidoc and tuts around, resp. in the forum… regarding the last point, the forum, I have to thank everybody who takes some time and answer questions to new (and old) users (that, sometimes, were often asked before)... Perhaps there’s a lack of documentation in XOOPS but the community and support, so far, is really great...

So far what I think about the generation of pages… (nothing cached in template_c)

- User site request… index.php (or other)
- PHPParser go trough index.php and included classes (nearly the whole system except not needed modules and blocks, I guess) with authentications and functions…
- PHPInterpreter starts with index.php over mainfile.php, common.php… we get to xoopsblock.php that sum up the blocks that have to be displayed and includes smarty
- Smarty generates the HTML for each block and caches them in the template_c
- Smarty fetches the single theme_block.htmls, the compiled blocks and put the blocks into the theme_block.htmls. Again smarty compile them as html and put them in the template_c
- Now Smarty fetches the compiled block-html-files and the theme.html, put the blockfiles into the theme.html compile it and put the compiled theme.html back in the template_c
- Now common.php includes header.php and footer.php, which also includes the xoopsblock class and again smarty…
- Anywhere here the php-interpreter gets the theme.html go through the php code generated by smarty with references to the other needed html-files and fill in the needed contend and functionality with data from the database and server (e.g. images, interpreted php-module-classes)
- server sends requested file with needed blocks, modules… back to the user…

  • 2004/1/12 8:35

  • brojo

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 4

  • Since: 2003/12/18

Hallo everybody... (still working on my seminar)

Speaking about objectorientation.
Ok, in XOOPS we have objects that work together, that are sumed up in classes, but in which way does the html-files, other php-files images... fit in? Are the html-files (most of them are templates I guess) parameters for the classes (smarty e.g.) or sourcefiles, what about the images?? So is everything objectoriented?

What is with exception handling (heard PHP4 is not able to do that)?

Re: Seminar about XOOPS
  • 2004/1/8 11:49

  • brojo

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 4

  • Since: 2003/12/18

First, thank you for your quick response… you helped and help me a lot with that…

Now I have some further questions…

Concerning the historyof XOOPS: I surfed around a little bit on the MPN-Page and in their docs they mention MyOOPS, is this, what we today call XOOPS?

Why does XOOPS only support MySQL as database?

Is there a XOOPS-Font available?
(for the design of my presentation)

Are any statistics about XOOPS available?
How many installed System?
Big Sites that use XOOPS...

Seminar about XOOPS
  • 2004/1/6 18:26

  • brojo

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 4

  • Since: 2003/12/18

Hello everybody!

I’m a student of Industrial Engineering and Computer Science at the University Kaiserslautern / Germany. Next week on 14. January I have to hold a proseminar about XOOPS.
The documentations, articles and forum weren’t able to answer all my questions, so I hope you do or eventually you know someone how does.
Ok, here we go…

What exactly was the reason to develop XOOPS?
So far I heard, XOOPS is mainly based on PHPNuke, so what differs XOOPS from PHPNuke, why not make just another PHPNuke version with the differences we find in XOOPS?

What exactly are the differences between XOOPS and PHPNuke?
(The topic of the proseminar, that takes place before mine is PHPNuke and in my opinion it seems to make more sense to focus stronger on the differences then on the common parts)
The User-/ and Groupmanagement is one thing I think…

What exactly is “contend” in XOOPS?
Only text, text and graphics,…?

How do the interface between Database and XOOPS-GUI work?
What must be initialised to get data out of the Database in data-templates to structure them and in theme-templates to format them, when and how does this happen?

What is the correct pronunciation of XOOPS?
One Word ? X oops ? single letters X O O P S ?…

That's it… I think…
Thank you…

(oh… I think I have to improve my English during me studies)



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